Where an asterisk is placed it signifies that an illustration is given.
    The mere reference to families as bearing a certain charge are not noted in the Index.
    The various spelling of names follow those given in the course of the Glossary.

                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Abank                 440|Aikman                427|Alvanston             142 
  Abbendon, S. Ed-         |Aire                  610|Alveringe             629 
    mund de, Abp.       365|Akeland               434|Alvingham, Priory     147 
  Abberbury       *223, 224|Akenside              545|Alvingham             461 
  Abbot       346, Bp. *449|Akerman                 7|Ambrose          189, 336 
  Abbotsbury            343|Alaband               192|Amery                  39 
  Abeladame             288|Albaster               76|Ames                  475 
  Aberbrothock, Burgh   474|Albery                210|Amock                 108 
  Aberdeen, Burgh        94|Albon(e)         377, 576|Amos                  475 
  Aberdeen, See of       63|Alock   369, 540, Bp. 122|Anchileck             118 
  Abernethy             497|Aldam       458, bis *491|Anderson              198 
  Abison                252|Aldborough, Town      535|Anderton   76,98,*254,335 
  Abingdon, Town        172|Alden                  46|Andesly               480 
  Abnott                212|Alderberry              8|Andrewes,Bp.          137 
  Abowen                133|Aldham                243|Angleterre, Royd' 360,373 
  Abrencis               15|Aldrich               310|Angouleme, Isabel of   58 
  Abrincis, Hugh de    *231|Alexander   109, 376, 453|Anguish               621 
  Academy of Muses  72, 520|Alexander the Great      |Anhault               622 
  Acheney               383|                 324, 527|Anjou                *380 
  Acton                *301|Alford                310|Anjou, Counts of     *238 
  Actonley             *470|Allamanon             447|Anketel               150 
  Adams           *401, 625|Allen 109,170,175,206,499|Anlett                *11 
  Adda Moel             376|Alleyne                54|Anstis                562 
  Adderbury            *223|Allgood               501|Antick                625 
  Adderton              566|Alligret              327|Antilupe               13 
  Addice                 27|Allin                 117|Anvaile                13 
  Adney                 105|Allott                562|Anvil                  13 
  Adolphus              318|Allym            142, 232|Anvine                576 
  Ady, Adyer            105|Almack                152|Anwicke              *160 
  Aerough               217|Almears               160|Apilby                624 
  Affagard              202|Almond                  9|Apjohn                314 
  African Company       221|Alpin                 256|Apothecaries Cpy. 14, 497 
  Agall                 509|Alsacher              220|Appelby               401 
  Ageuyn                266|Alsarin               220|Appelton               14 
  Aginal                374|Alstanton            *526|Appledore             423 
  Agulon                266|Alston                 66|Applegh                14 
  Ahlen                 584|Alten                 551|Applock               427 
  Ahrends               619|Altham                 59|Appurley              463 
  Aikenhead               7|Althoun               369|Aprice                175 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Apulby                 14|Atheson               217|Balmanno              150 
  Arabin                603|Athowe                549|Balswill             *414 
  Arbutt                594|Athul(l)           7, 191|Balum                  39 
  Archard               280|Atkins               *154|Banaster             *162 
  Archby                 99|Atlowe                549|Banbury Town          558 
  Archdall              260|Atsea             bis 539|Band                  368 
  Archdeacon            153|Atterbourne           433|Bane                 *485 
  Arches       bis *15, 462|Atterbury, Bp.       *599|Banester  157,280,516,611 
  Archever             *109|Atton                  46|Banff, Burgh          605 
  Arderne               163|Attwater     382, Bp.*539|Bangor, See and City  292 
  Arene                 305|Attwood               205|Banister              611 
  Arganor                17|Atwell                108|Bank of England, Seal  78 
  Argenton              191|Aubemarle             402|Bannermann             36 
  Argentyne        190, 372|Aubert                310|Bannister              79 
  Argyll, See of        147|Aubery                581|Banville de Trutemne  598 
  Arkwright             133|Auchmuty              508|Bar                    41 
  Arlott                376|Audice                218|Barantime             213 
  Armenia               446|Audlym                232|Barber's Company      265 
  Armiger               318|Audyn                 381|Barclay              *590 
  Armourer              236|Aukes                  27|Barde, Roy de         447 
  Armourers' Company    534|Auld                  469|Barden                469 
  Armstrong 16, bis583,*600|Aules                  27|Bardis                409 
  Arnalt                 24|Aumarle               170|Bardney, Abbey        231 
  Arneel           219, 265|Auncey                483|Bardolf(ph) 109,*117, 215 
  Arnulf                 13|Auntesheye        38, 445|Bardonnenche          366 
  Arrowood              307|Autret                581|Bardwell               37 
  Arthur(e)         73, 497|Auriol                424|Bare                   41 
  Arundel(l) 88, *373, 563,|Avering                15|Barefoot              368 
                   Bp. *459|Ayliff                246|Baremaine             305 
  Arwell                530|Aylmer, Bp.          *135|Baret                 112 
  Asbitter              327|Ayloft                121|Baretrey              582 
  Aschaw                411|Aynesworth            543|Baretti               314 
  Aschebornham          507|Ayr, Burgh            363|Barfleur, Ville de     41 
  Asdale                564|Ayscough, Bp.          24|Baring                 49 
  Ashburnham            306|Awborn.                10|Barkele               106 
  Ashburton, Town Seal  116|Axall.                 27|Barker                365 
  Ashby            270, 528|Axtell.                27|Barkin, Abbey         371 
  Ashe                  523|                         |Barlay                241 
  Ashenhurst            122|                         |Barle                 446 
  Ashfield              290|Babington(e) 464, Bp. 459|Barlingham             49 
  Ashford       bis 23, 463|Babut                 441|Barlow(e)  91,112,551,584 
  Ashley           117, 630|Back             215, 630|Barnacle               41 
  Ashlin                362|Bacon                 586|Barnard      7, 198, *208 
  Ashpoole              312|Baddeham              151|Barnarder             336 
  Ashridge, Priory      116|Badger                 33|Barner                 41 
  Ashton 23, *398, 420, 426|Badland               613|Barnes                379 
                        502|Baggsham               23|            Bp. tris *114 
  Askerton              585|Bagway                430|Barnevelt             609 
  Askoll                 24|Bain                  617|Barney                379 
  Askewe                 24|Bainbridge             29|Barnstaple, Town       95 
  Askham                207|Baines                 70|Barr                  472 
  Aslyn                 223|Bakepuce              333|Barrall                38 
  Aspendall               7|Baker 255, *287, Bp. *249|Barratt               112 
  Aspinall              473|Baldberney            189|Barrett               188 
  Assil                  24|Balioll               239|Barre, Duchy           41 
  Astell                240|Ball             tris 257|Barrington(Shute)     361 
  Aston           134, *445|Ballenden             288|Barrow   87, 163, Bp. 193 
  Atcomb                247|Balliol         *430, 469|Barry          37, 38, 88 
  At Conduit            191|Balm                   34|Barston               552 
  Atherton         128, 592|Balmakin              422|Barton                542 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Bartlett              287|Belet                 612|Bethune                59 
  Bartolozzi            462|Beleye, Bp.           384|Betty                  59 
  Barton                 11|Belfile               361|Betwill               628 
  Barwell               287|Belhouse          bis 517|Beuard                526 
  Basan                 595|Bell                   52|Beumeys               618 
  Bascrevile  336, 504, 577|Bellasis              227|Beumond               289 
  Basing                178|Bellesby              282|Bevan                 499 
  Basingborne           301|Bellet                489|Bevercott            *152 
  Basinges         177, 178|Bellingham            181|Bevercourt            165 
  Basinghold            516|Bellschamber          248|Beveridg               50 
  Baskervill(e)    336, 590|Belo                  312|Beverley             *500 
  Basket-maker's Cmpy.   46|Belested               91|Beverly               *59 
  Basnet                 93|Beltmaine              52|Bevill(e)         81, 549 
  Bassano               541|Belvoir               619|Bewdley               254 
  Basset(t)318,336,tris 457|Benbow                 76|Bewes                 183 
               bis 481, 595|Bendlise              502|Bezom                 402 
  Bassingbourne    tris 301|Benet's, Holme, Abbey 148|Biddle                 76 
  Bastard               203|Beneville             505|Biddulph              466 
  Bateman               381|Bennet(t)        378, 618|Bightine              108 
  Bath & Wells, See of *517|Bennette              551|Bigland               618 
  Batnymersh            170|Bennis                618|Bignell               618 
  Baucoy                177|Bennison              621|Bigot                 236 
  Baud                  217|Bensley               257|Bilerheit             462 
  Bavaria                58|Bensted               287|Bill                   60 
  Bavent           338, 465|Bentah, Bp.           152|Billerberg             61 
  Bawde                 217|Bentoux               586|Billesby         282, 614 
  Baxter           218, 621|Berbisy               532|Billettes         61, 576 
  Bay                   392|Berd                  178|Billinger              61 
  Bayle                 619|Berenger               10|Billingford             7 
  Baylolf(z)        lis 239|Beresford             291|Bilson, Bp.          *472 
  Bayne, Bp.            157|Berg                  447|Binder                543 
  Baynes            70, 506|Berham                 69|Bingham               611 
  Bazas                 174|Beringburgh           526|Binning               608 
  Beadnell              284|Beringham             434|Binns                 312 
  Beane                  48|Berkele               233|Birches                61 
  Bearsley              603|Berkeley              171|Birde, Bp.           *387 
  Bearum                 23|Berkeleye         bis 170|Birkenhead            366 
  Bearwell               44|Bermondsey, Priory    227|Birkin                463 
  Beath                 193|Bernak                 41|Birney                367 
  Beauchamp        213, 376|Bernard          *49, 369|Birone                269 
   *401, 560, bis 598, *599|Bernback              259|Birt                  594 
  Beauford              506|Berne, Canton of       49|Bishopton             613 
  Beaumont              289|Bernek                527|Bitley                453 
  Beaurain              167|Berners               483|Bittenneck            327 
  Beaussier de Chaulane 236|Bernheim              293|Bitterer              327 
  Beaver             bis 50|Bernstead             118|Bizzet                *55 
  Beaw, Bp.             403|Berry   40, 235, 547, 625|Blaauw                271 
  Becard                192|Bersich               454|Blackall, Bp.         205 
  Beche                 197|Bertant               507|Blackenham            189 
  Becheton         544, 566|Bertie                 48|Blacker               389 
  Beck    64, 124, 167, 178|Bertram               430|Blackmore             312 
  Becket, Abp           136|Berwick-upon-Tweed,      |Blacksmiths' Cmpy.    303 
  Beckington, Bp.       410|                 Town 344|Blackstock        bis 584 
  Beckton               544|Bascot                583|Blades                405 
  Bedford, Duke of     *236|Beslet                 60|Blage                  55 
  Beechton              544|Besse                 581|Blagrave              532 
  Beere                 513|Bessell               129|Blair                 513 
  Bees                  627|Bessyng              *497|Blake             48, 404 
  Beke            177, *397|Beste                  22|Blamschill            459 
  Belesme               560|Bethlehem Hospital     46|Blanc                 447 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Blancfront            241|Boorman               331|Boyford               366 
  Bland                 244|Boot(e)            72, 73|Boyle                *224 
  Blandy                597|Boothe, Bp.          *232|Boyman                314 
  Blastock              585|Bordet                543|Boys          bis 91, 584 
  Blethfield            470|Bordoun               460|Boyton                432 
  Blomfield, Bp.        483|Borgyloun             506|Brabant     245, 379, 498 
  Blond                 402|Borough    101, 534, *582|Brabant, Duke of     *482 
  Blood                *345|Borston                79|Bracer                 12 
  Bloodman              304|Boschier              268|Bradbourne            420 
  Bloore                288|Boscoe                293|Braddyll              565 
  Bloore                530|Bosdon                330|Bradestone       154, 280 
  Bloud                 302|Bosin                 221|Bradley                80 
  Blount  40, 238, 268, 595|Bosney, Town          608|Bradshaw              248 
  Bloys                 520|Bosoun                 23|Bradston              481 
  Blufield              470|Bostock              *335|Bradwardine           290 
  Blythe       Bp. 197, 198|Boston, Town          488|           Abp. *234, 291 
  Boak                  275|Boswell               386|Bradway               603 
  Boaler                280|Botellier             104|Brae                  440 
  Boar                   69|Boteller         190, 622|Braham                387 
  Board of Ordnance     299|Boterford              84|Braine                318 
  Boase                 626|Botetourt       *394, 398|Brainiss              206 
  Bobart                277|Botevill              229|Brambert              488 
  Bockland              284|Botfield               38|Brambley              256 
  Boden                 491|Bothell           68, 286|Bramston              625 
  Bodenham              105|Bothor                238|Brancas               265 
  Bodkines              423|Botiler               190|Brander       bis 83, 256 
  Bodrigan              282|Botreaux             *277|Brandishfield         191 
  Body                   24|Botringham            *55|Brandon          378, 452 
  Bodyham               390|Bottle maker's Cmpy.   75|Brandt                584 
  Boghey                540|Bouchier              435|Brandwood             633 
  Bogner                251|Boudard               128|Brangor                11 
  Boguet                 15|Boudenell             174|Branker               267 
  Bohun                *137|Boudet                609|Braose, Bp.           599 
  Bois         98, 113, 458|Boulcott              132|Brauneck               99 
  Boisy                *153|Boulter                70|Braundeston, Bp.     *446 
  Bokeland              214|Boun            144, *380|Braunston             174 
  Bolebek               232|Bourcher              442|Bray(e)      42, 462, 475 
  Bolger                582|Bourden               591|Braybook              382 
  Bolingbroke           302|Bourges               532|Brayne           318, 426 
  Bollard                51|Bouronville           567|Braytoft              189 
  Boller                473|Bousall               202|Braziers' Company     244 
  Bolles                203|Boutren              *100|Breame                 77 
  Bolour                 84|Bouzun                 23|Brecknock, Town       499 
  Bolron                303|Bovile                 59|Bred                  194 
  Bolter                *70|Bowbridge          57, 99|Brednell              202 
  Bolton       23, 248, 382|Bowcwgault            217|Breedon               448 
  Boltsham               23|Bowden                571|Brenchesley           176 
  Bonchamps             588|Bowen            133, 198|Brenne                177 
  Benefeld              486|Bower                 617|Brente                295 
  Bonery                500|Bowes                 *75|Brentingham           224 
  Bonnell               153|Bowett                199|Breouse               378 
  Bonner, Bp.          *177|Bowles                 76|Brereton              172 
  Bonnetmaker's Cmpy.    71|Bowman         23, 76, 99|Brerlegh             *159 
  Bonniman              389|Bowstock              551|Brescett              223 
  Bonny                 131|Bowyers' Company      268|Bressy                212 
  Bonteine               82|Boxle                 339|Bretaigne             528 
  Bonville              421|Boxley Abbey          383|Bretaine              233 
  Bonvisy               506|Boxton                616|Bretcock              594 
  Bonyfant              314|Boycott               257|Bretland              309 
  Boode                 584|Boydell              *399|Breton           369, 553 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Bretoron              283|Brouilhac             234|Burnby                 38 
  Brette                298|Brouneslane           251|Burnet        329, Bp. 80 
  Bretvill               70|Browght               307|Burningham            251 
  Brewes                156|Brown-Baker' Cmpy.    485|Burr                  153 
  Brewers' Company      592|Brown                 265|Burridge              508 
  Brian    38, 457, Bp. 458|Browne      108, 217, 253|Burroughs             366 
  Brickdale             455|             bis 304, 329|Burton                607 
  Brikill                77|Browneshaugh          454|Burwell               206 
  Bricklayers' Company   28|Brudenal               93|Bury                  309 
                        365|Brun                   38|Bury S.Edmunds, Abbey     
  Brickley              555|Brunstaugh             27|                      187 
  Brickman              592|Brunswick             470|Busche                629 
  Bricks                 77|Brunt                  93|Bushby                120 
  Brickwood             436|Brus                  516|Bushe         628, Bp. 69 
  Brideoke, Bp.         205|Brusard                13|Bushman               329 
  Bridge                 77|Brusse                552|Bussham                22 
  Bridgen               525|Bruton, Priory        305|Bustard                83 
  Bridger               142|Bruyne                216|Butchers' Company      28 
  Bridges, Bp.         *587|Bruysel de Lure      *222|Buttller              622 
  Bridgmore             608|Bryan                *458|Buther                206 
  Bridled                77|Bryasnon              301|Butler                436 
  Bridlington, Priory   369|Bryn                  422|Butler  88, 156, 188, 244 
  Brigge                434|Bubbleward           *610| 436,573,622, Bp.tris 190 
  Briggs                455|Bubbewyth, Bp.   101, 335|Butteler              241 
  Brighteley            338|Buchanan              588|Butterfield        51, 84 
  Brinckman             418|Bucher                141|Butterfly              84 
  Bringburn             195|Buck     bis *57, 58, 518|Butterwike             84 
  Brinzon               301|Buckhill              238|Butterworth           465 
  Brisac                440|Buckingham, Town      563|Buttrisch              84 
  Bristol, See of        66|Buckland         209, 561|Buttriss               84 
  Brittany             *232|Buckland, Abbey       551|Butts                 593 
  Britton          163, 370|Buckle                584|Buxton                378 
  Broadhurst       276, 561|Buckner                71|Bye               bis *51 
  Broadwood             633|Buckside              198|Byers                 627 
  Brobach               330|Bucktin                45|Byest                  22 
  Brobrach              467|Budd                  498|Byford                366 
  Brobrough             585|Bugg                  157|Bygbery               215 
  Brochant du Breuil    470|Bulbeck              *607|Bykeley               146 
  Brock(e)          33, 384|Bull                  547|Byles                 446 
  Brockhall             152|Bulleine               82|Byng                  263 
  Brodrick              231|Buller, Bp.           153|Byrch                  61 
  Broke            415, 343|Bullingham, Bp.        51|Byron        bis *56, 473 
  Brokencross           178|Bullock                82|Byrtwysell            612 
  Brokmale              109|Bume                  530|Bysset(t)          bis 60 
  Brokrose              252|Bungall                25|                          
  Broks                  33|Bunninghill           282|                          
  Bromall               246|Bunten            tris 82|Cade                  422 
  Brome    78, 79, 141, 305|Bunting                61|Cadenet               451 
  Bromfaling            332|Burche                206|Cadman                129 
  Bromflet(t)      165, 268|Burden                205|Caermarthen, Priory   215 
  Bromholme, Priory     607|Burdeux          332, 430|Caine                 456 
  Bromholm              173|Burdon                442|Cairns                  6 
  Bromle                488|Bure                  475|Caithness S.          571 
  Brom(e)ley *211, 264, bis|Bureau                452|Calder                199 
                   483, 630|Buret                *280|Caldwell        *124, 616 
  Brommen               585|Burgess, Bp.          206|Calois de Mesville    547 
  Broome                 78|Burgoyne               83|Calron                306 
  Brotherton            151|Burland                83|Calshill              384 
  Brotier               600|Burlinger        111, 526|Calton                435 
  Brougham              385|Burman                   |Calverley         82, 553 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Calvert               439|Carteret              497|Chastein              136 
  Cambridge, Town       610|Carthen              *211|Chastelani de Ser-        
  -- Emmanuel Coll.     101|Cartheu                27|  tines               601 
                        238|Cartwright      *130, 131|Chastelani            601 
  -- Gonville & Caius      |Carver           162, 163|Chastillon           *393 
    College             142|Carwardine             76|Chaumpaine       137, 202 
  -- Jesus College      121|Carwed                247|Chaunceler            443 
  -- S.John's College   289|Cashel, See of        513|Chaundos              457 
  -- S.Katherine's Hall 610|Cassey                249|Chaurcy            38, 45 
  -- Greek Professor-      |Casshe                273|Chawcers              408 
    ship                368|Cassie                490|Chawder               585 
  -- Professorship of      |Cassyll          157, 384|Chawlas              *429 
    Law                 142|Castellani            601|Chawncy               160 
  Camelford              87|Castello, Bp.         223|Chaderton             176 
  Camell                 87|Castile and Leon,        |Cheke                 121 
  Cameron               547|  kingdom of     *88, *94|Chepmerden            129 
  Cammell                87|Castleford             95|Cheriton, Bp.         104 
  Camois                577|Castleton          7, 364|Cheseldon             114 
  Camoys   464, 4 times 577|Castre                213|Chester          248, 283 
  Campbell          51, 301|Cater                 458|Chester, See of       410 
  Campegius        Bp. *203|Caterall              295|Chetham          142, 265 
  Canbrook              219|Catesburi             288|Chettle               548 
  Cancellor              58|Catharne               97|Cheyndut                6 
  Candish              *190|Catherine             619|Cheyney, Bp.     124, 307 
  Canisy                505|Catt                   97|Chicheley, Abp.      *439 
  Canneton              212|Cattesby              374|Chichester, See of   *476 
  Cantelowe             266|Catton                 97|Chickerin             121 
  Canterbury,See of 147,337|Caudecoste            418|Chidderlegh           135 
                  409, *439|Cauntelo              342|Chideok               587 
  --(Ch. Ch. Priory)    368|Caunter               506|Chippendale           283 
  -- Abbey of S.Au-        |Cave                 *276|Chipre, Le Roy de     447 
    gustin.            *439|Cavel(l)     82, 332, 500|Chivers               301 
  -- City of            136|                  bis 537|Chiverton             579 
  Cantilupe, Bp.   bis *342|Cawarden         bis *542|Chobb(e)          bis 114 
  Cantrell              451|Cayle                 483|Chopin                128 
  Canvill          214, 215|Cecyle, Rey de        268|Chorley           68, 272 
  Caponhurst            121|Ceely             bis 300|Chowne            bis 331 
  Capper                 91|Cenino                456|Christ's Hospital     501 
  Carbonet              505|Chabot                454|Christian             163 
  Cardale               256|Chad(d)erbon 163, Bp. 176|Christmas              76 
  Carden               *542|Chaffers              256|Christpher            103 
  Cardinall             328|Chalkhill             110|Christopherson, Bp.   112 
  Cardington            629|Chalmers              341|                     *446 
  Cardmakers' Cmpny.     94|Chaloner             *105|Church                148 
  Cardozo               576|Chamberlain           546|Churchill         90, 370 
  Cardross              558|Chamberlayne(eyn)        |Cinque Ports         *537 
  Carey      *501, Bp. *112|       167, 236, 281, 343|Ciprianis             588 
  Carlow                408|Chambers    299, 407, 463|Ciencester            489 
  Carlyon               108|Champagne             476|Clapham      27, 318, 622 
  Carmalt               296|Champeney             280|Clappeson             444 
  Carmichael      476, *578|Champion         423, 585|Clare                *111 
  Carnaby               336|Champs           390, 443|Clarendon             238 
  Carnegie              216|Chandeler, Bp.       *453|Claret                488 
  Carnsew               287|Chandos              *457|Clark(e)     219, bis 331 
  Carpenters' Cmpy. 131,549|Chanscyre             214|                369, *452 
  Carrant               505|Chanticleer           121|Clayhills             519 
  Carrington            620|Chantry               291|Cleather              193 
  Carroll               163|Chapman               152|Cleaver       132, Bp. 95 
  Carstairs             477|Chappell              116|Cleland               307 
  Carter                597|Chare                  28|Clements Inn           10 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Clench                 12|Comberton             378|Cotter 178, 220, 381, 529 
  Clerkes               331|Combmakers' Cmpy.     130|Cottingham           *198 
  Cleve             bis 238|Comminges             432|Cotton      138, tris 306 
  Clifford  *104,588,Bp.410|Compton       65, Bp. 318|Couchmaster           108 
  Clifton               376|Comrie                487|Coughte               *53 
  Chinchamps            249|Comries               437|Coulchiefe            113 
  Chinkscales           263|Comyn            190, 283|Coulthard(t)     332, 476 
  Clitherow             579|Condé de Coemy       404|Countesse             332 
  Clockmakers' Cmpy.    118|Conduit(t)        lis 244|Coupenne              453 
                        547|Conesby              *307|Courteny(nay)     66, 360 
  Clopton               138|Coneybeare, Bp.       195|       410, *504, Bp. 360 
  Close, Bp.           *247|Conghurst             219|Cousin de la Tour         
  Clothworkers' Cmpy.   119|Congleton, Town Seal  219|  Fondue              305 
  Clouvyte              422|Congleton             219|Cove                 *137 
  Clove                 120|Conham             14, 62|Coventry              129 
  Cluer                *190|Coningham            *300|Coventry, City        221 
  Clutton               106|Coningsby             307|Cowick, Priory    82, 245 
  Clyton                185|Connell               549|Cowpen                453 
  Clyvedon              188|Conqueror             101|Cox                   426 
  Coachmakers' Cmpy.    120|Conradus              480|Coyners               305 
  Cobb        212, tris 328|Considine             431|Cracknell              29 
  Cobham      243, 266, 420|Constable            *239|Cradock                69 
  Cockrane              *69|Conway                285|Craig                  77 
  Cock                  121|Cony                  307|Craigdaille           490 
  Cockayne             *121|Conyston              307|Craik                 388 
  Cockburne             121|Cook                  630|Cramond               451 
  Cockman               121|Cooks' Company        129|Crane                 143 
  Cocks             bis *25|Cooper           258, 578|Cranmer, Abp.         151 
  Codd                  124|Coopers' Cmpy.   297, 315|Crawfurd    199, 535, 545 
  Codlew                529|Coote                 132|                      608 
  Cogan                 473|Cope                   92|Crawmond              451 
  Coggs                 408|Colpey            bis 158|Crebbott              223 
  Coker                  73|Corbeht               489|Creke                 404 
  Cokfeld               121|Corbet  bis 489, bis *490|Cresswell             505 
  Colan                 576|                  Bp. 490|Cretinge         507, 508 
  Colbeck               616|Corbyn                490|Creveceur             153 
  Colbrand              370|Cordners' Company     346|Crielle               481 
  Colchester, Abbey     338|Cordwainers' Cmpy.    288|Crioll                481 
  Coldwell     130, Bp. 487|Cork & Ross, See of   227|Crispin                57 
  Cole            tris *521|Corke                *568|Croft    235,*399,Bp.*483 
  Coleridge             433|Cormayles             489|Crofts                 58 
  Coleville            *251|Cornall               146|Crokeyn               158 
  Collard               314|Corneilles            603|Crome                 384 
  College of Arms  210, 319|Cornell               579|Cromer                537 
  Collens               576|Cornewail(le) 47, 59, 151|Cromie                436 
  Colliar               170|Cornock                16|Cromwell(e)       11, 146 
  Collingborne          129|Cornwall, County of    66|Crone                 280 
  Collins          295, 576|Cornwall, Earl of     214|Croone                439 
  Collison(e)       bis 449|Cornwallis, Bp.       136|Crosby                290 
  Colman               *491|Corona                187|Crosland              152 
  Colmet                270|Corp                  584|Cross            370, 626 
  Colpoys               404|Corraro               471|Crosse                142 
  Colston       41, 98, 208|Cort                  295|Crossley              178 
  Colte                 333|Corvell                81|Croumwell             229 
  Columball            *209|Cosance               403|Crow                  121 
  Columbers             178|Cosingtone            501|Crowche               229 
  Colveley              467|Costa, De              70|Crowcher              176 
  Colvil(l) 205,158,160,252|Costello, H. de    Bp. 56|Crowland              345 
  Colwyke               277|Cotes            168, 208|Crowmer               490 
  Combe                 130|Coton                 215|Crownall              146 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Croxton               592|Dasting               404|De Moline             620 
  Cruse                 383|Dastures              414|De Montbar            100 
  Cudlew                529|Dateling              374|Demsey                565 
  Cugler                 22|Daubene               401|Den                   189 
  Cuilly                507|Daubeny               338|Dene             479, 580 
  Culcheth         113, 216|D'Aubernoun            65|Denham           383, 574 
  Culliford             333|D'Aubeterre           598|Deniston, Bp.         596 
  Culross, Burgh        116|Daumary               595|Dennet                201 
  Culy                  507|Dauney               *296|Dennistoun            596 
  Cuming                556|Daunt                  48|Dennys                 60 
  Cunninggam(e)         437|Daveney               314|Denskyn(ine)     216, 247 
              439, bis *531|Daverport             544|Demvers               285 
  Curbellio, Abp.       154|Davet                 122|Denvile               371 
  Curriers' Company     191|Davies       113, Bp. 452|Deobody               235 
  Curteys, Bp.         *434|Davis            235, 418|De Pelerin            461 
  Curtis           500, 623|Dawson                490|De Podio              439 
  Cusance               543|Dawtryne              278|De Quincy            *402 
  Custance              509|Day     414, Bp. 140, 193|Derby, Town           442 
  Cutcliffe             540|Daynes                 29|De Reals              562 
  Cutlers' Company      565|Deale                 462|Derling               475 
  Cyprus                446|Deane        490, Bp. 147|Derward               505 
                           |Dearman               143|De Salis              621 
                           |De Boileau            562|De Salve              628 
  Dabency               229|Deboys                113|Deschamps        473, 505 
  Dabetoot              111|De Brehier            428|Despencer  90,bis*275,481 
  Dabrichecourt         335|De Bressy            *100|Destivelyn            163 
  Dacre                 133|De Buckton            287|Destures              414 
  Daisie                193|De Burgh              145|De Tour               579 
  Dakecombe             548|De Burgo         Bp. *383|Deverell             *554 
  Dakeham               548|De Cardon             570|Devey                 437 
  Dalbiac                 9|Dedwood               448|Devile                371 
  Dale                  624|Deeble                196|Devreux               397 
  Dalston               490|De Frontibus      Bp. 553|Deycheter             440 
  Dalton                210|De Jacob de la Cot-      |Deylé de Murviel     488 
  Da lzell              390|  tiere               516|Deyncourt         bis 194 
  Dalziel               390|De la Chambre         299|Deyvill(e)  252, 266, 267 
  Daman                 608|De la Forde      205, 513|De Zeddes             369 
  Damboys                70|De la Grange-Trianon  606|Dick                  565 
  Dammant               594|Delahay(e)   15, 245, 420|Dickson               628 
  Dampier, Bp.         *361|                      558|Diepholz              214 
  Damport               543|Delalune             *414|Digon                 529 
  Dancaster             257|De la Mare  bis *77, *375|Dijon, Ville de       603 
  Dancye                122|Delamore              611|Dikens                603 
  Daniel(l)    bis 436, 441|De la Mothe           234|Dimsdale              240 
  Daniels          280, 573|De la Motte           428|Dinant, Oliver        383 
  Danskine          69, 490|Delaney               614|Dipford               340 
  Danvers                65|De Langlois           469|Distillers' Cmpy. 204,390 
  Darby                 623|De la Penne           464|Dobbin                308 
  Darcy   82, bis 239, tris|Delapipe              464|Dobede                250 
              500, 501, 531|De la Plaunche        397|Docker                545 
  Dardas                613|De la Pole           *379|Dockesseye             47 
  Darell                117|De la Roche      bis *115|Docwra               *353 
  Dargentem             190|De la Tour           *579|Dodd              68, 138 
  D'Argentine           191|De Lauzon             530|Dodge                 245 
  Darker                331|De la Warr            566|Dodingseles       bis 419 
  Darley(Little),Priory 334|De la Zouche          398|Doe                   465 
  Darling               498|De l'Escaille         418|Doggle                258 
  Daroch                426|Del Ile     202, 367, 374|Dogget(s)          8, 205 
  D'Apro                471|De Lisle             *345|Dolben, Bp. *253, bis 318 
  Darwell               437|Delves           200, 475|Dolfingyon           *208 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Dolfinley             209|Dupont                558|Eld                   444 
  Dolseby                40|Duport                581|Eldershaw             221 
  Domantz               222|Duppa, Bp.            282|Eldred                547 
  Don                   210|Du Puy                434|Elham                 558 
  Doncaster, Town        96|Durant           364, 600|Elleis                218 
  Doney                 124|Durem                 151|Ellice           218, 318 
  Donne                 596|Durham, Bp.           167|Elliot            47, 463 
  Doobel                 52|Dursue                388|Ellis  88, bis *218, *406 
  Doon                  596|Dusiva                101|Elmindbright          587 
  Doore                  51|Dyce                  589|Elmsall               222 
  Dorchester            240|Dychfield            *462|Elwes                 218 
  Dorien                 56|Dyers' Company    34, 292|Ely, See of           187 
  Dornoch, Burgh       *333|                      630|Ely, Bp. of           414 
  Dorre                 282|Dyke                  117|Embroiderers' Cmpy.   226 
  Dorrien          417, 498|Dymock          *170, 565|Emerle             88, 99 
  Doubler               157|Dyne                  247|Emlay                 389 
  Doublet               108|Dyngham               *59|Enderby          436, 553 
  Dougal                417|Dynham                452|Enfantleroy           311 
  Douglas    182, *315, 562|Dyon                  518|Engham                459 
  Dove, Bp.             210|Dyrbyne               436|ENGLAND, Kings of   19-21 
  Dowdall               158|Dyrward               100|ENGLAND, Royal Arms       
  Dowling               329|Dyson            144, 558|  of                  228 
  Downam                415|Dyxtor               *561|Engletere, Roy   373, 395 
  Downes          *80, *198|                         |Englowes              200 
  Doxey                  77|                         |Ercall                *37 
  Doyley                 56|Eagar                 577|Ermar                 465 
  Draiesfield       47, 487|Eagleston             216|Ernys                 504 
  Drake      *122, 553, 623|Eales                 218|Errington             315 
  Draper                 56|Eame                 *422|Erskine               181 
  Drapers' Cmpny.  119, 572|Earle, Bp.            183|Eschardeston          516 
  Drax, Priory          211|East Inadia Company      |Escoze                165 
  Drayton         450, *482|                 436, 536|Esingold              305 
  Dreenland             287|Easton                525|Esme                  422 
  Dreghorn              465|Eaton                 468|Estafford             504 
  Droitwich, Seal       566|Eccles                 30|Estanton             *481 
  Drokensford            91|Echingham             493|Este                  216 
  Drounsfeld            487|Eckford               524|Estlee                376 
  Druitt                487|Eddows                235|Estotevile        45, 121 
  Drummond    268, 273, 315|Edgar                 280|Estower               104 
               510, Bp. 596|Edinburgh, Burgh  95, 500|Estune                277 
  Drumson               260|Edinburgh, See of     410|Estwire                14 
  Dryhurst              198|Edington              273|Estwrey                23 
  Duberly               539|Edmonds               572|Ethelred, King        176 
  Duibisson             212|Edmund (Earle of         |Ethrick               377 
  Du Bois               510|  Cornwall)           214|Eton              12, 431 
  Du Bourg Sainte-         |Edmunds                 7|Eton College          371 
    Croix               123|Ednowain ap Bradwen      |Euene                 108 
  Ducat            219, 529|                     *530|Eustacede Hache       428 
  Dudley          *107, 398|Edred(King)           605|Evans                  88 
  Duffield              120|Edward I.            *359|Everingham            599 
  Du Gardier            418|Edward III.           *20|Evesham, Abbey    98, 555 
  Duke        100, 387, 554|Edye                  128|Evesham, Town         186 
  Dukenfield            179|Egerton           65, 565|Evett                 172 
  Dunbar                630|Eglescliff, Bp.      *555|Evington          93, 181 
  Dundas                456|Eglesfield       88, *216|Ewer, Bp.             171 
  Dundee,Burgh     372, 512|Eglingtoun            498|Exeter, City          450 
  Dunham               *338|Egmon                 160|Exmyle                151 
  Dunois                165|Eileworth             375|Eye, Town             370 
  Dunstable, Priory    *558|Elam                  510|Eynell                363 
  Duplessis-Anger       600|Elcham                212|Eyre        390, 473, 618 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Fairfax          377, 434|Fitz-Jocelyn, Bp.    *194|France                629 
  Fairfield             229|Fitz-Mahewe           445|Franco                440 
  Fairnie               629|Fitz-Marmaduke        444|Franke      280, 517, 600 
  Fanacourt             494|Fitz-Nele             437|Frankes               517 
  Fanmakers' Cmpny.     249|Fitz-Randolf          111|Franklin              209 
  Faringdon             379|Fitz-Roger            128|Fraser                556 
  Farmary               472|Fitz-Simon  105, 216, 361|Fraunce, Ray de  268, 528 
  Farmer                363|Fitz-Walter          *106|Praye                  51 
  Farnham               140|Fitz-William, Rauf le 100|Freckelton           *399 
  Fatquharson           463|Fitz-William          384|Frederick II.         214 
  Faucombe              431|Fitz-Williams         200|Freeman          bis *383 
  Faucon                248|Flambard, Bp.         208|Freemasons' Society   131 
  Fauconberge           402|Flamburgh             483|Fremes                 56 
  Fauconer              247|Flanke                597|Frese                 584 
  Feveno                419|Fleetwood, Bp.       *446|Fresel                501 
  Feast                 305|Fleming(e)  192, 282, 543|Fresnes               339 
  Felbrigge        145, 374|             623, Bp. 306|Frevill(e)       397, 402 
  Fellingham            515|Flemings               84|Frewylle          bis 402 
  Feltmakers' Cmpny.    309|Fletcher 28, 388, Bp.*172|Freynes               224 
  Fencote               327|Fleury                219|Friskeney             152 
  Feney                 158|Flinn                  77|Friville              447 
  Feningley             473|Flint                 555|Fromberg              471 
  Fennor                525|Flixton               619|Frome                 160 
  Fenwick          456, 557|Flixton, Nunnery      160|Fruid                 501 
  Fenwike           75, 401|Florio                559|Fruiterers' Company   442 
  Fere                  251|Flowerdew              49|Fry                   333 
  Ferguson               79|Floyd                 573|Fuddie                206 
  Ferieres              402|Fodringhey            156|Fulham                571 
  Ferne                 446|Fogarty               308|Fuller                498 
  Fernie                629|Folborne         123, 298|Fulmerston            499 
  Ferrar, Bp.           333|Folebarne             615|Funeaux               266 
  Ferre                 251|Foliot                *53|Furnivall             560 
  Ferrers bis 333, 382, 468|Folkstayne            423|Furriers' Company     182 
                   bis *598|Follyot               144|Fyshar, Bp.           207 
  Ferriers' Company     333|Fontibus, De, Bp.     414|Fysher                345 
  Ferrus                447|Forbes                193|Fytton                 12 
  Fesiant               454|Ford                  472|                          
  Festing               435|Foreman               514|                          
  Fetherston             88|Forest          208, *425|Gabbot                551 
  Feversham, Abbey      537|Forfat,Burgh          580|Gabriel                60 
  Filol                  86|Forneus          435, 457|Gacelyn                61 
  Findon                108|Forrest               629|Gaddes                282 
  Finnie                143|Forrester             205|Gage                   65 
  Fish                  207|Forte                *304|Gailie                158 
  Fisher 207, 345, 463, 594|Forton                615|Galliez               425 
           Bp. 8, *198, 618|Fossez de Coyolles    567|Galloway, See of      513 
  Fishing Company       537|Foster                291|Gallyhalt             528 
  Fishmongers' Company     |Fotherly     157, Bp. 157|Gambier               554 
                   207, 385|Foulis                329|Gambon           217, 231 
  Fithie                143|Foulks                557|Gambow                419 
  Fitler                563|Founders' Cmpy.  244, 272|Games                 215 
  Fitz Acre             385|Foundling Hospital    114|Gandolphi             473 
  Fitz Alan            *373|Fournier              247|Garat Groch           556 
  Fitz-Alwyn            601|Fowler          *435, 451|Garband               545 
  Fitz-Geffrey      74, 567|Fox    520, Bp. 273, *451|Garbett           36, 551 
  Fitzercald             33|                      541|Garden                 46 
  Fitzhamon            *374|Frameworker Knitters'    |Gardenar              472 
  Fitz How               79|  Company             359|Gardener              554 
  Fitz-Hugh, Bp.        *76|FRANCE, Arms of          |Gardeners' Cmpy. 270, 389 
  Fitz-James, Bp.       209|            bis *274, 395|Gardiner              472 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Garenne              *104|Glendining            152|Granville             497 
  Garlick               284|Glenham               289|Graundorge            618 
  Garlington            282|Gloucester, See of   *343|Graunson              213 
  Garmston              271|Gloucester, City      334|Graves                257 
  Garrick               524|Gloucester(tre)  493, 514|Graville              383 
  Garston                95|Glover                326|Graytowyers' Cmpny.   550 
  Garten                545|Glovers' Company      489|Greaves               215 
  Garvie                328|Glynn                *524|Green         95, Bp. 197 
  Gascoigne        219, 385|Goadefroy              10|Greenfield            497 
  Gason                 558|Goband                298|Greenland            *518 
  Gaunt            53, *360|Gobion                298|Greensmith            407 
  Gawdy                *578|Gobyns                298|Greenway              109 
  Gawler                138|Godard                178|Greg                  561 
  Geale                 584|Godfrey               295|Gregor                444 
  Ged                   385|Godwin, Bp.            90|Gregorie              414 
  Geddes                386|Goffe                 361|Gregson               494 
  Gedney 259, 385, 368, 514|Golafre              *423|Greiley           56, 224 
  Gellibrand            566|Gold                  421|Greive                382 
  Gelouer               449|Gold and Silver Wire-     |Grelli                224
  Gemmill               570|  drawers' Cmpny.     628|Grendon               108 
  Geneva                104|Goldington           *268|Greneacres            577 
  Genevil(e)        bis *42|Goldman               392|Grenford              628 
  George                443|Goldrind              485|Gresley           bis 599 
  GEORGE I., King       470|Goldsmiths' Cmpny.    191|Greves                254 
  Gerard       312, Bp. 516|Gomme                 510|Grey  289, 360, 376, *434 
  Geresme               168|Gonandour             448|                      494 
  Geriare               191|Gondi                 387|Grey, De              *38 
  German Empire        *217|Gonston               299|Greystock             192 
  Gernon      bis *438, 595|Gonvill               141|Grice                  69 
  Gernoniis             378|Gooch                *306|Grierson         254, 382 
  Gernoun          438, 457|Goodacre              318|Griffen               295 
  Gervays           48, 362|Goodall(e)       102, 618|Griffith              311 
  Gesse                 532|Goodhart              173|Griffiths        146, 293 
  Getthin               198|Goodwin               247|Grigg                 219 
  Gib                   549|Gooselin              290|Grilla               *382 
  Gibbes                 60|Gordon           506, 600|Grimonard             482 
  Gibbons               379|Gorey, Town           563|Grimshaw              295 
  Gibbs                 310|Gorges           bis *299|Grimstede              37 
  Gibson 343, 556, Bp. *556|Gorney                300|Grindall, Bp.         449 
  Giffard              *375|Gornill               607|Grocers' Company      120 
  Gifford          196, 554|Goter                 415|Groin                 235 
  Gilbert 464, Bp.*367, 429|Gothes                528|Grono Goch             77 
  Gilby                  79|Gotley           231, 288|Grose                 162 
  Gilham                552|Goujon                298|Grostete, Bp.         158 
  Gillam                629|Gould                 238|Grosvenor            *283 
  Gillet                385|Gouning               299|Grote                 541 
  Gilliot               617|Gournay              *437|Grove                 367 
  Gilroy           208, 209|Goushill              438|Gryffydd Gwr          197 
  Girdlers' Company    *294|Govor                 290|Grylls                 56 
  Girflet               143|Grace            204, 231|Gueriet               498 
  Gislingham            563|Græme                608|Guevera               611 
  Glanvile              111|Graham  327, 608, Bp. 428|Guilbert              133 
  Glasgow               440|Grandale         150, 170|Guilford              472 
  Glasgow, City         585|Grandmesnil          *435|Guillart de Fresnay   418 
  Glasgow, Burgh        514|Grandmont             314|Guillois              559 
  Glasham               193|Grandpré              123|Guise                  39 
  Glassford             549|Grange(r)             472|Gulford              *138 
  Glastonbury           604|Granson                96|Gunn                  421 
  Glatigny              603|Grant            458, 534|Gunning, Bp.          209 
  Glaziers' Company     286|Grantham              567|Gunsmiths' Cmpny.     299 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Guothart              448|Harbron               259|Hawkins     427, 461, 470 
  Gurney           300, 437|Harcourt             *394|Hawley          150, *445 
  Guyon                 603|Hardbeane         48, 449|Hawtre                152 
  Guyot d'Amfreville    421|Harde                  78|Hay        *239, 491, 633 
  Gwilt                 128|Hardeshill            431|Haw-Dalrymple         633 
  Gwin(e)           73, 224|Harding                 7|Haydock              *398 
  Gyffard          196, 300|Harecourt              37|Haydoe                247 
  Gynes                  73|Herenc                327|Haydon           485, 605 
  Guse              39, 402|Harewell, Bp.         307|Hays                  558 
                           |Harington             424|Hayward                88 
                           |Harland               525|Haywood          306, 475 
  Haberdashers' Cmpny.   39|Harleton               14|Heard                 423 
                        249|Harlewyn               14|Heart            256, 315 
  Hacche                150|Harling               596|Heathcote        472, 505 
  Hackett 124, 586, Bp.*458|Harman   2, 191, 467, 488|Heathe                505 
  Hacklet               345|Harme                 546|Hebmines              284 
  Haddington            287|Harmond               191|Hedges                564 
  Haddock               124|Harpeden(e)      bis *420|Hedley                109 
  Hadiswell             615|Harpeny               578|Hegens                594 
  Hadleigh              131|Harpsfield            308|Helye                 364 
  Hadstock             *456|Harries               316|Hen                   625 
  Hageley               112|Harrington       bis *275|Henckell              225 
  Hagen                 142|Harris   *13, 95, bis 316|Henderson        tris 459 
  Hagne                 477|             525, Bp. 170|Hendley           57, 197 
  Hake                  124|Harrold               440|Henley                508 
  Hakehed               124|Harrow               *308|HENRY I.              375 
  Hakelett               30|Harrower              308|HENRY II.             *19 
  Hakelut                29|Hartham               206|Henshard, Bp.         212 
  Hales          22, 23, 40|Harthill               88|Henshaw, Bp.          212 
  Halfhead               17|Harthorp               97|Hensley               577 
  Halghton               76|Hartington             25|Hepburn               538 
  Halifax, Bp. of       273|Hartopp               433|Herail                536 
  Hall    52, Bp. *129, 206|Harvey           348, 511|Heralds' Office       210 
  Halliwell              13|Harvy                 308|Hercy                 316 
  Halou                 291|Harwe                *308|Here             426, 584 
  Haltoft(s)            383|Harworth              289|Hereford, See of     *342 
  Halton      216, 236, 554|Hassard               110|-- Priory os S.Peter  122 
  Halworth               92|Haseley               310|-- Earl of   128, bis 380 
  Hamelden(e)      275, 276|Hasell                310|Hereford              376 
  Hamell                106|Haslefoote            156|Herford               137 
  Hamerton              303|Haslewood             310|Hericy                316 
  Hamilton    106, 476, 514|Hassell                 7|Heringaud             327 
              520, Bp. *484|Hastings          bis 404|Herisson              316 
  Hamlyn                291|Hastynges        bis *421|Heriz                 316 
  Hamme                 441|Hatbandmakers' Cpy.   309|Heron   89, tris 326, 454 
  Hammermen Cmpny.      303|Hatbeane              449|Herondon              627 
  Hammond               379|Hatchet            12, 98|Heroun                326 
  Hampden      490, Bp. 621|Hatcliffe             486|Herring, Bp.         *327 
  Hampson               318|Hatsell                 7|Herschel              568 
  Hamsart               420|Hatter Merchants'        |Hertes                392 
  Handley               287|  Company             309|Hertford              197 
  Hankford              108|Hatton                384|Hervare               265 
  Hankinsos             211|Hauberkes             112|Hervey                511 
  Hanlon           144, 291|Haule                  80|Herwell               377 
  Hanney                199|Haverford, Priory     123|Herys                 316 
  Hanover,House of      332|Havering(e)      125, 425|Hese                  334 
  Hansard(e)       243, 420|Haversham             397|Hesilrigge            310 
  Hansted          420, 561|Hawk(e)    550, 608, *621|Hevar                 264 
  Hanvile               247|Hawkwe           249, 587|Heveningham          *484 
  Harbottle bis*292,302,552|Hawkeridge       248, 287|Heygeys               296 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Heynes                201|Holy Roman Empire,       |Huntingfield    452, *464 
  Heyngeston         29, 30|  Arch Treasurer of   470|                      504 
  Heytesbury, Borough      |Home                  273|Huntley               108 
                  Seal *161|Homes                 611|Hurd, Bp.             490 
  Heyton                163|Homling               527|Hurlestone             75 
  Hickes                497|Hone                  329|Hurrers' Company      249 
  Highmore               76|Hontercombe            37|Hurst                 157 
  Hill    97, 107, 234, 418|Hontyngfeld           504|Hurston         130, *155 
                   442, 558|Honyton               345|Hurtle                336 
  Hillary               289|Honywood              107|Huskisson             221 
  Hillinge              383|Hoo                    98|Hussey         38, 72, 88 
  Hills                 418|Hooper, Bp.           256|Hutchins              221 
  Hilsey, Bp. 210, 258, 425|Hoorne           275, 599|Hutton      280, 402, 625 
  Hiltofte              214|Hopkins          403, 421|                Abp. *192 
  Hilton          *188, 313|Hopkinson             192|Huyshe                115 
  Hilton de Haderness   101|Hopton           376, 421|                          
  Hinchliffe, Bp.       123|Hopwell                33|                          
  Hinde                 198|Hopwood               236|Ilsley                411 
  Hingenson              16|Horley                388|Infant                314 
  Hingham               168|Horners' Company       75|Ingersalem             45 
  Hingston           16, 29|Horrocks              613|Ingham           177, 236 
  Hintson               242|Horsham, Town         369|Ingham, Abbey         152 
  Hinxley              *471|Horske                296|Ingilby              *242 
  Hislop                139|Horsley, Bp.          332|Ingleden              290 
  Hispania, De           47|Horwood               289|Innholders' Company.  485 
  Hitchcock               9|Hoseason              250|                      517 
  Hobbs                 115|Hoste                   8|Inrys                 633 
  Hobby                 613|Hotham            91, 420|Institute of Brirish      
  Hobhouse              421|Hotoff                219|  Architects          462 
  Hobillion             331|Hotot             bis 107|Inverara, Burgh       424 
  Hobson           189, 407|Houblon               331|Inwyne                329 
  Hoby             278, 613|Houghton     421, Bp. 140|Ipre                   58 
  Hockin                421|Hounslow              376|Ipswich, Town         537 
  Hockmore              539|Houtteville           446|Ireby                  89 
  Hodding               591|Howard                *54|Ireland, Insignia of      
  Hodgson           bis 510|Howard(Katharine)     601|            bis *308, 340 
  Hodiswell             616|Howell, Bp.           247|Ireland               344 
  Hodsoll(sall)    615, 616|Howell                379|Ironmongers' Cmpy.    282 
  Hodstoke             *456|Howland               236|                 381, 564 
  Hody                 *338|Howley, Bp.           172|Ironside     163, Bp. 165 
  Hogeley              *241|Hoye                  496|Irvine                329 
  Hoghe                 133|Hoyland(e)        40, 268|Isham                 614 
  Hoheburg              418|Huckmore              540|Isle of Man,Insignia *367 
  Holbeame             *109|Huddleton             275|Isles, The, See of    512 
  Holbeck, Bp.          210|Hudgson               510|Islip       489, Abp. 171 
  Holdsworth       487, 584|Hudson, Bay Cmpny.     50|Ivett                 341 
  Holford              *205|Hughes, Bp.           312|                          
  Holgate, Bp.          461|Hull                   81|                          
  Holgrave              435|Hulles                458|Jackson      bis 212, 455 
  Holknell               24|Hulme, Abbey      81, 230|                  Bp. 212 
  Holland  57, 64, 236, 374|Hulse                *458|Jacobe de Naurois     618 
                   423, 528|Hulson                481|Jakys                 632 
  Holland, Priory       344|Hulton                376|JAMES I.              *21 
  Holles                458|Hum                   377|James    38, 88, 178, 208 
  Hollist               556|Humberston            452|                362, *607 
  Holme            101, 197|Hundescote            *73|Jameson                22 
  Holmshaw              165|Hunt        156, 452, 580|Jane, Bp.              46 
  Holsall               296|Hunter                 60|Janssen               496 
  Holte            172, 231|Hunting               506|Jason                 266 
  Holthouse             600|Huntingdon            437|Jauche                606 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Jay              313, 388|Kellet                 69|Knighton              592 
  Jedburgh, Burgh       552|Kellham               378|Knipersley            543 
  Jenings               370|Kellock               267|Knolles               414 
  Jenkins               374|Kelloway         286, 449|Knott                 390 
  Jenkinson             573|Kelly                 579|Knowles     138, 178, 444 
  Jennings         266, 370|Kelly Castle          267|Knowlys               158 
  Jermy                 374|Kelverdon            *440|Knyvett               345 
  Jernegan          76, 216|Kemp        74, Abp. *337|Kocfeld               151 
  Jerningham             79|Kempsing         276, 339|Koehler               465 
  Jerusalem       *175, 446|Kempton               626|Koverdaw              191 
  Jervis                467|Kendale           54, 194|Kragg                 465 
  Jervoise              215|Kendall           98, 224|Kyerkwald             258 
  Jesse                 525|Kendiffe               12|Kyle                   88 
  Jewel, Bp.            286|Kene                  206|Kyme                  189 
  Joass             71, 335|Kennaway         212, 427|Kynysman              174 
  Joce                  620|Kennedy               273|Kyrton                327 
  Jocelyn         480, *631|Kent                  402|                          
  Joddrel                80|Kercey                290|                          
  Jodrell               100|Kerne                 382|La Baume              606 
  Johan                 460|Kerr                  596|La Borde              311 
  John, Bp.             150|Kessell               156|Lachault         331, 332 
  Johnson 72, 254, 426, 442|Kettler              *330|Lacy(e)     *38, 327, 452 
          455, 630, Bp. 630|Key(e)      108, 343, 336|             564, Bp. 212 
  Johnston              390|Keys                  343|La Ferté              199 
  Joigny                580|Kidd             130, 287|Lake         411, Bp. 163 
  Joiners' Company      131|Kidder, Bp.     224, *516|Lalain                383 
  Joinville             *42|Kidney                363|Lamb              bis 362 
  Jolly                 425|Kidson                232|Lambart               422 
  Jones  108, 197, 239, 275|Kilburne              132|Lamberby              270 
          451, 623, Bp. 332|Kilkenny, Bp.         144|Lambert           98, 426 
  Jordan                  9|Kill                  450|Lamont                429 
  Jorney                286|Killingworth          362|Lampen               *489 
  Joskyn                 22|Kilpeck, Joan of      397|Lamplou               165 
  Josselyn              132|Kilvington            234|Lamplow(e)       165, 363 
  Jourdan               184|Kineiland              81|Lamprell              364 
  Julian               *517|Kingdom                36|Lancaster, Town        95 
  Julianis de Rouret    436|Kingeston         92, 309|Lancaster, Earl of   *359 
  Justice                34|King's Lynn, Town    *219|           360, *379, 467 
  Juxon, Bp.            312|Kingston              467|Lancastre             481 
                           |Kingston-upon-Thames,    |Lancesseur            336 
                           |  Town                514|Landles               430 
  Kear                 *165|Kinloch               531|Landon            83 , 87 
  Kagg                  458|Kinneir               256|Lanercost, Priory    *264 
  Kalee Krishna, The       |Kirby                 *90|Lang                  368 
    Rajah               221|Kirch                 198|Langford        *212, 290 
  Karraro               471|Kirk                  570|Langley      122, bis 123 
  Kawsengen             471|Kirkaldie, Burgh      512|                *336, 452 
  Kay(e)          343, *528|Kirkby                159|Langton, Bp.         *152 
  Kaynton               436|Kirkham               460|Languedoc, Provence   162 
  Kean                  315|Kirkwold              467|Lannoy                614 
  Keate                 *97|Kirkwood              389|Lanternier            364 
  Keating          260, 424|Kirsopp               143|Lanyon                247 
  Keats                 631|Kirton                249|La Sable              482 
  Keching               424|Kitchin, Bp.          210|La Salle              584 
  Kedmarston             52|Kitching               83|Latimer bis 170, tris 172 
  Keet                  339|Kite, Bp.             249|            268, Bp. *561 
  Keirll                235|Knapman               407|La Treiche            603 
  Keith             73, 336|Kneville              420|Laud, Abp.   67, 171, 409 
  Kekitmore             368|Knight *280, bis 549, 586|Lauder, Burgh         604 
  Kellam                631|                  Bp. 445|Laue                  626 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Launceston            580|Lighton               374|Louis            185, 293 
  Launde                151|Lightorles             87|Lourmont              418 
  Laurence              294|Limesey                 9|Louthian              462 
  Lavender              273|Limpeine               97|Lovatt                628 
  Lawder                498|Lincoln, See of       425|Lovayne                61 
  Lawrence        *487, 593|Lincoln, City         240|Love                 *573 
  Layland               551|Lincoln's Inn         251|Loveday               194 
  Laynne                629|Lindsay               193|Lovel(l)    382, 460, 595 
  Leaf                  552|Lingard               497|                 550, 628 
  Leathersellers' Cmpy. 287|Linlithgow, Burgh     513|Lovenham              290 
  Leathes              *267|Linne                 586|Lovett                382 
  Lechmere              451|Liskerke              361|Lovys                 381 
  Le Cocq(oq)       bis 121|Lisle                 470|Low(e)  bis *628, Bp. 628 
  Lediard               371|Lithgow               433|Lowle                 545 
  Lee 181, 388, 540, Bp.513|Littlebery            375|Lucas         7, 130, 374 
  Leeson               *491|Littleborne            45|Luc-Fontenay          386 
  Leet                  403|Littlebury             45|Lucien            47, 201 
  Le Goux               447|Liverpool, City  135, 526|Lucy            89 , *144 
  Legh                  398|Livingstone           428|             4 times *385 
  Legier                245|Lles ap Coel          620|Ludlow                291 
  Leicester, Town      *117|Llyoyd     235, *311, 378|Lughtburgh            379 
  Leicester, Earl of   *377|                  Bp. 234|Lumley          *111, 443 
  Leigh      *299, 399, 465|Llwch                 523|Lunenburg             470 
  Leight                256|Lobley                 14|Lupus                 231 
  Leister               445|Locard                628|Luttrell          bis 433 
  Lekebourne            189|Locavel               500|Lutwyche              573 
  Le Lyeur              151|Locawell              537|Luvys                 381 
  Leman                 208|Lock                  382|Luxembourg, Bp.      *528 
  Lemming               290|Lockey                611|Luxmoore              132 
  Lend                  431|Lockhart              253|Luxmore, Bp.          415 
  Lendon                185|Lockheart             315|Lyband                374 
  Le Neve               578|Lockyer               193|Lydcotte              210 
  Lenthall             *420|Lodge                 528|Lylde            Bp. *345 
  Lenton, Priory        160|Logie                 263|Lyle                  367 
  Lepton                619|Lokyer                377|Lylsey                440 
  Lepull                621|Lomeleye              443|Lymington             326 
  L'Eschelle            362|London, Friary of        |Lynch                 442 
  Lesington             116|  S.Antony            178|Lynde                 451 
  Leslie                570|-- S.Bartholomew's       |Lyndeseye             430 
  Lesquin               290|  Priory              187|Lyndesheye            479 
  Lesseps              *603|-- Christ Church         |Lyndewode             367 
  Lessieure             566|  Priory             *590|Lynton, Priory        154 
  Lesune                120|-- S.Katherine's Hos-    |Lyon Office of Arms       
  Lete                  403|  pital               619|  at Edinburgh        516 
  Levant Company        536|Long Bowstring           |Lyons                 527 
  Lever                 307|  Makers' Company     306|                          
  Leverington           307|Longchamp, Bp.        437|                          
  Leversedge   60, 403, 465|Longespee    89, 90, *390|                          
  Leveson               367|Longshare             529|Maben                 254 
  Levinz                602|Longstaff             550|M'Alpin               181 
  Lewer                 244|Lopus                 472|Macaul                193 
  Lewes                 568|Lorand                150|Macaulay               22 
  Lewis                 530|Loriners' Company      63|Macbride              387 
  Lexington        165, 168|Lorks                  54|M'Calzien             545 
  Ley              bis *526|Lorne, Lordship      *386|Mac Causland     509, 520 
  Leybourne        289, 441|Lorraine, Duchy         9|McCorquodell          422 
  Leyver                307|Lorrayne              485|Macdonald        386, 405 
  Lichfield, See of    *175|Lotham                455|Mac Dougall           556 
  Lichfield, City  153, 372|Loudon                577|M'Dowell              500 
  Lightford             491|Loughman               13|Mace                  552 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Macgregor       229, *463|Manley                305|Meddowes              626 
  Machado                29|Mann                   72|Medland               523 
  Mc Innes              405|Mansel                404|Medville              330 
  Mack                  252|Manthelby             425|Meggison              375 
  M'Kaile               265|Marblers' Company      28|Melborne         158, 276 
  Mckenzie         390, 608|Marchalach            475|Meldrum          183, 433 
  Mackerel              387|Marchant              307|Mell(e)               379 
  Mackie                490|Marche, De la          45|Mellish              *563 
  Mackinder             387|Mare                  375|Mellor                 64 
  Macklean              442|Maresc(h)all 54, 250, 445|Mells                 379 
  Mackonochie           181|Marishall             206|Melton 160, 165, 172, 178 
  M'Laurin              148|Markeby               368|Melville              192 
  Maclellan             312|Markham              *341|Mendham, Priory       499 
  Macleod          418, 579|Marks                 528|Menell                 45 
  Mac Mahon             432|Marlborough, Duke of  *90|Menill            bis 438 
  Mac Morun             227|Marmaduke(c)      bis 443|Menyll                 37 
  Macnab(b)         70, 433|Marmion          397, 566|Menzies               565 
  Macreadie             485|Marsden          132, 586|Mepham, Abp.          369 
  Macreery              485|Marshall     206, Bp. 369|Mercers' Company      183 
  Macritchie            578|Martejoys            *620|Merchant Adventur-        
  Mac Sheeley           535|Martel(l)        tris 303|  ers                *485 
  M'Whirter             239|Marten                612|Merchant Taylors'         
  Maden                 247|Martin       37, 405, 414|  Company             499 
  Madden                247|Martinson             562|---- (at Chester)     118 
  Madeston              302|Marton, Priory        216|Mere                  224 
  Madock                530|Martoset              315|Meredith              377 
  Maelor Crwm            10|Martyn                383|Merefield             617 
  Magdeston              30|Mascall, Bp.          410|Mericke               473 
  Magens                166|Mason       378, 542, 549|Merley            89, 401 
  Magnall          bis *542|Mason's Company       131|Merling               *60 
  Maguire                17|Massenden             136|Mertins               619 
  Maidstone, Bp.        188|Massy                  12|Merton                 48 
  Mainstone             305|Master                329|Merton, Walter de,        
  Maire            206, 437|Masters' and Marin-      |  Bp.                 110 
  Maitland     bis 204, 509|  ers' Company        621|Meryck, Bp.          *551 
  Major                *462|Matcham               618|Messemé               440 
  Malbis(e)        118, 529|Matheson               29|Metringham            334 
  Malcake               517|Mathilly              219|Metsed                140 
  Malemeis              479|Maton                 592|Mewy                  523 
  Malet                  79|Matthew               327|Meyni                 598 
  Malherbe         388, 424|Matthews        *326, 432|Michelgrove           247 
  Malins                436|Matthias             *200|Middlesex, County     510 
  Mallerby              424|Maudut                457|Middleton              24 
  Mallory              *201|Maudyr                *37|Middleton, Abbey       46 
  Malmaynes             280|Maulee      123, 208, 598|Mignon                234 
  Malory          *377, 378|Mauleverer            205|Mignot                202 
  Malt             467, 511|Maunsell              362|Milan, Duchy     529, 607 
  Malton, Priory        475|Mavailles             580|Milaners' Company     249 
  Man, Bp.             *403|Mawson, Bp.           445|Milborne     bis 158, 167 
  -- Roi de             367|Maybank               569|Mildmay               450 
  -- Isle of, Insignia *367|Maydenstun, Bp.       314|Milford               426 
  Manchester, City       56|Mayfield              310|Militon               328 
  -- Coll. of S.Mary     88|Maynard               305|Miller 156, 167, 382, 609 
  Manchester            475|Mayne                 162|                      613 
  Mandere                12|Maynell               599|Millers' Company      408 
  Mandeville      *237, 238|Maynes                309|Millington           *217 
                   483, 496|Mayo, Bp.             371|Mills            247, 408 
  Manfeld               567|Mazarin               250|Milner                 63 
  Mangles               179|Mazzinghi             556|Milnes                621 
  Manigham              623|Meares               *535|Milton                505 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Milveton              407|Morley               *342|Needlemakers' Cmpy.   423 
  Milward               153|Morrall               440|Negus                 423 
  Mi Mir Bilebatid      288|Morris            40, 414|Nemours, Ville de     629 
  Mineral and Battery      |Morse            452, 633|Nert                  369 
    Works' Society 407, 627|Morten                361|Nettles               424 
  Miners' Company       390|Morteyn Breton        111|Neufville             153 
                        408|Morthermer            214|Neve             259, 514 
  Minton                573|Mortimer          bis 145|Nevell                591 
  Mirambel              409|   5 times *241, 291, 301|Nevill(e)   *65,81,83,232 
  Mirtle                254|Mortoft          315, 414|    *289, *360, *464, 516 
  Mitchell             *379|Morton, Bp.          *288|             591, Bp. 289 
  Mitford                39|Mortymer     bis 241, 267|Nevyle                516 
  Moeles            89, 420|                      301|Newall                234 
  Mohaut                376|Moseley               408|Newburgh              461 
  Mohum           305, *404|Moselton          bis 265|Newby                *554 
  Moigne                195|Moton                 117|Newcastle-under-Lyne,     
  Moile                  82|Mouboucher            244|                 Town  96 
  Molenick              256|Mouchensy             239|Newdigate             282 
  Molesworthe           430|Moulins               293|New Inn              *372 
  Moleyns      438, Bp. 167|Moun             bis *404|Newland               171 
  Molins                251|Mounbpwchier          474|Newman                139 
  Molineux(y)       88, 167|Mounpynzon            256|Newmarch(e)      229, 280 
  Molle                 411|Mountagne, Bp.        383|Newport               623 
  Mollyns               158|Mountaine              39|Newstead, Priory      604 
  Molony                487|Mountfort(h)      57, 397|Newthall              633 
  Molton           159, 171|Moustoulat            418|Newton      *70, 284, 432 
  Molyners              251|Moyle                  24|Neyvile               591 
  Mompesson             210|Moyse                 160|Nicholson        116, 558 
  Monbocher             474|Mulencar              232|Nicolas               589 
  Monchersy             236|Mulgrave              486|Nicole                528 
  Monkhouse        411, 600|Muller             13, 75|Nicoll                586 
  Montacute, Bp.       *240|Mulliken              609|Nicolls          442, 455 
  Montagu(e)  278, bis *280|Multady               312|Nielson               580 
    339, 481, Bp. 280, *517|Munt                  448|Nigel                 436 
  Montauban, Ville de   584|Murray                587|Nigellus, Bp.     65, 305 
  Montboucnier          244|Muschamp          51, 270|Nightingall           631 
  Monte                 567|Muskeham              270|Noble            206, 537 
  Montefiore       207, 463|Mutton                117|Norden           202, 524 
  Montfort   *57, 165, *377|Mychilstan            498|Norffolk              149 
  Montgomery  333, 498, 521|Myles                 497|Norley               *398 
  Monthermer            213|Mynter                230|Norman                 84 
  Montolieu             418|Mynyot                318|Northampton, Abbey        
  Monypenny             259|Myterton              410|  of S.James          235 
  Moody                 547|                         |Northampton          *378 
  Moore   40, bis *414, 547|                         |Northburgh, Bp.       599 
                   563, 632|Nadault de Buffon     250|Northey               441 
  Moray, See of         512|Nancothan(gothan)        |Norton      192, 240, 459 
  Mordaunt             *243|                  bis 411|                *565, 592 
  Morcraft              620|Nantes, Ville de      536|Nortost                25 
  More  211, *315, 414, 632|Narbon                 52|Norwey, Le roy de     511 
  Morecroft             392|Narborne              284|Norwich, See of       410 
  Morel                 583|Nasmyth               303|Norwich, City    562, 579 
  Moreland              342|Nassau                 61|Nowers                598 
  Mores                 414|Natheley              425|Noyce                  94 
  Moreyne               419|Natherly                7|Nugent                193 
  Morgan        295, Bp. 72|Navarre                98|Nuremburg             547 
              256, 374, 411|Naverne               238|Nuthall              *253 
  Morien      361, 367, 419|Navy Office, Seal      10|                          
  Moris                 155|Neal(e)          375, 582|                          
  Morland               379|Need                  295|Oare                  632 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  O'Cahane              232|Oxford, St.John's        |Peirson               613 
  O'Callaghan           629|              College  90|Pelham                 52 
  Ochterlony            589|-- Magdelen College  *371|Pelissier             365 
  O'Davoren             565|-- Pembroke College   570|Pellew            bis 102 
  Odingseles            419|-- University of      *71|Pelton                553 
  O'Donoval             566|Oxley                  81|Pemberton              79 
  O'Drone               529|                         |Pembroke(Pembroc),        
  Ogill                 454|                         |  earl of   bis *431, 445 
  Ogilvie     342, 376, 570|                         |Pembruge              229 
  O'Hagan                73|Pace, Bp.             286|Penereche             331 
  O'Halie               573|Packwood               28|Penuston             *136 
  O'Hara                491|Paddon                256|Penfold           27, 210 
  Ohenloyne             610|Pagenham              481|Penkerch              330 
  O'Kennedy             318|Palgrave             *374|Penkeridge            330 
  Okstede               426|Palmer  460, bis 461, 516|Pennington           *279 
  Oldcastle              95|Parincheff            449|Pentney, Priory        45 
  Oldham, Bp.           435|Paris                 189|Penwalis               79 
  Oldmixon               29|-- Ville de           537|Penzret           53, 223 
  O'Learie              535|Parish Clerks' Cmpy.   72|Pepys, Bp.           *333 
  Olier-Nointel         603|Parker      199, 336, 387|Perci, Henri de       428 
  Olinius               222|       bis *455, Abp. 343|Percival             *332 
  Olivier               427|Parry                 509|Percy           252, *482 
  O'Malley               70|Parsons               565|Periond               363 
  O'Murchoe             309|Partrick              506|Periton               449 
  Onslow                136|Partridge             444|Perot                *483 
  Oppin                 501|Pashley               378|Perrot                 69 
  Oradour               162|Paskin                441|Perse                 520 
  Orcival               514|Pasquier              193|Pershore, Abbey        12 
  Orford, Bp.      227, 343|Passerat de Silans    623|Pery                  509 
  Orkney, See of        512|Patch                 427|Peshall               170 
  Orleans               274|Paterson              424|Peterborough, See     343 
  Orlebar                40|Patrick. Bp.         *436|Petit                *513 
  Orleton, Bp.          592|Patten               *280|Petoe                *140 
  Ormesby                54|Patten-makers' Cmpy.  448|Petre(e)         199, 312 
  Ory                    87|Pau                   189|Pettet                120 
  Osborne         *484, 514|Paul                  510|Petty                *388 
  O'Sinan               521|Paulmier              463|Petytt                343 
  Osney                  52|Paulsworth            312|Pevensey              214 
  Oswald                326|Pauncefoot            267|Pewterers' Company    372 
  Otley, Bp.            618|Paunerton             251|Peyton                198 
  Otterbury             121|Paveley          165, 177|Peyver                268 
  Ottley                618|Paviours' Company     264|Pheopowe              238 
  Oulry                 434|Pavyot                473|Philibert, St.         57 
  Our Lady's Inn       *372|Pawne            bis *448|Philips              *125 
  Ousflet               266|Payler                *26|Phillip               544 
  Overton               388|Paynel                117|Physicians, College of    
  Ovington              121|Paynter           71, 189|                 119, 472 
  Owain            133, 182|Payzant               454|Picard                204 
  Owen        329, 368, 579|Peacock               448|Picke                 386 
                   Abp. 133|Pearce       501, Bp. 270|Pickering        377, 385 
  Oxendon                81|Pearle           455, 464|Pickford              157 
  Oxford, See of   314, 587|Pearson               558|Pickwick              167 
  -- Bp. of             363|Peche                 247|Pickworth    28, 408, 456 
  -- City of            *81|Peckham          155, 476|Pierpoint             431 
  -- Earl of  243, tris 419|                Abp. *112|Pierpount        431, 531 
  -- Balliol College   *430|Pede                  532|Pierse, Bp.           546 
  -- Christ Church      *66|Peer                  101|Pigott            28, 303 
  -- Exeter College     343|Pegge                 614|Pigotts               408 
  -- St.Frideswide,        |Pegrez                 30|Pike             386, 550 
       Priory           314|Peirce                625|Piketon               386 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Pikeworth             386|Pouges                438|Radell                151 
  Pilgrim               461|Poulterers' Cmpy.     555|Radford          364, 519 
  Pilkington   160, Bp. 153|Poultney              379|Raffles               405 
  Pilland               595|Pount                  77|Ragon                 205 
  Pilsworth             312|Pountney              245|Rainwell              207 
  Pinchbeck             568|Power               8, 38|Raleigh 160, 178, Bp. 384 
  Pinford          442, 443|Powis                *282|Ralston               390 
  Pinmakers' Company    604|Pownall      13, 125, 240|Rambouillet           444 
  Piozzi                582|Pownse                305|Rampsuile             502 
  Pipart                252|Poyner                443|Ramsey, Abbey         489 
  Pipe                  463|Poynet, Bp.           468|Ranken                 29 
  Piper                 463|Poynter              *460|Ranson                473 
  Pisage                514|Poyters               580|Raphael                14 
  Pister                450|Praed                 571|Rapouel               249 
  Pistor               *450|Prayers          138, 518|Rauff                  54 
  Pitchard              245|Preede                334|Raul                  280 
  Pitfield              564|Preener              *119|Raunston              586 
  Pitman                 30|Prelate              *235|Raven            429, 490 
  Place                 445|Prenne                464|Rawson      285, 580, 601 
  Plaice                101|Prerley               176|Raynon                296 
  Plance                291|Prescott             *434|Read(e)  116,135,212,*294 
  Planta                368|Preston, Town    363, 369|             327, bis 454 
  Plantagenet  274,360,*379|Price                 545|Reading, Abbey        235 
  Plasterers' Company      |Prichet, Bp.          250|Rebow                  75 
                   297, 303|Primrose      4 times 477|Redcomyn              190 
  Plater                 57|Proby                 273|Rede                  295 
  Platt                 465|Proctor         565, *614|Redham                496 
  Player                436|Prospect              104|Redman(main)      bis 192 
  Plecy                 507|Prosser               618|              Bp. bis 192 
  Plescy                507|Proude     108, 258, *433|Redmayne              308 
  Plessis               506|Pryce                *545|Rednesse              379 
  Plimpton, Monastery     7|Puisaye               375|Refuge                529 
  Plokenot               53|Puison                243|Reginald, Earl of         
  Plompton              280|Pujolas               488|  Cornwall            *47 
  Plott                 486|Purefoy  285,tris 305,554|Reignold              474 
  Pluet                 213|Purser                303|Reinstein             332 
  Plumbers' Company     466|Purvis               *402|Rendacy               265 
  Pocock                524|Put                   384|Rendell                73 
  Poillot               292|Putland               508|Renny                 623 
  Poissonniere          406|Pybus                 117|Repingdon, Bp.(Seal)  447 
  Pol                   603|Pyke        272, 386, 464|Repley                277 
  Pomfret               121|Pyne                  462|Resoun                170 
  Ponsonby              130|Pynell                215|Restwold              445 
  Pont                  488|Pypard            91, 485|Retowre               584 
  Pontefract            580|Pype                  463|Revers                610 
  Pontissara, Bp.       154|                         |Revett                590 
  Poole             38, 535|                         |Reynall(ell)    223, *403 
  Popeller              135|Quaile                160|Reynolds         106, 474 
  Popler                212|Quarles               523|                Abp. *243 
  Portal                486|Quarm                  39|Rhodes                125 
  Porteous              199|Quatermain(an)  156, *305|Rhys                  211 
  Porter   29, 52, 215, 487|Quatremayne            88|RICHARD I.            *19 
                   623, 624|Queenborough, Town       |Richard de Ely, Bp.   305 
  Portnowe              284|                 314, 548|Richard, King of the      
  Port-pigham, Seal     389|Queensferry, Burgh    512|  Romans              *59 
  Portrea               520|Quincy           117, 361|Richards         584, 617 
  Portugal              580|                         |Richradson        10, 537 
  Potter   bis 474, Bp. 623|                         |Richemund              37 
  Pottinger             390|Radcliffe   65, 134, *229|Richer                436 
  Pottock               265|                      340|Richmond    37, 430, *558 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Richmond, Abbey       147|Roundell              427|Salmon, Bp.          *514 
  Ricsworth             215|Roupell               389|Salperwick            600 
  Ridale                619|Rous            *144, 216|Salt                  109 
  Ridell      453, 493, 619|Roux                  235|Salter                *60 
  Ridgeway              448|Rowand                433|Salters' Company      515 
  Ridler                149|Rowans                342|Salt-Fishmongers'         
  Ridley   81, 496, Bp. 247|Rowe             *51, 363|  Company             343 
  Rigaud                623|Rowntree               23|Salvayn               607 
  Riggs                 206|Royal Exchange As-       |Samford           89, 595 
  Ripley                211|  surance Company     508|Samler            38, 295 
  Ripon, See of         363|Royal Institution of     |Sammes                607 
  Ripon, Town           370|  Great Britain       427|Sampson               621 
  Rise                   48|Royal Society         481|Sams                  514 
  Risley                113|Roydenhall       111, 292|Samwell              *550 
  Rithere               144|Rudings              *122|Sancroft, Abp.  *171, 209 
  Rivers           294, 563|Rugemond               75|Sandbach         102, 631 
  Riviere               194|Ruminesville          502|Sandelin               40 
  Robin                 392|Rundle                491|Sandellayer            51 
  Robinson         184, 555|Rupibus, de, Bp.      115|Sandes                174 
                   Bp. *271|Russel *236, 255, bis 277|Sandilands            223 
  Robyns       267, bis 632|            462, 563, 589|Sandon           453, 483 
  Roche    13, bis 115, 183|Russia Merchants      536|Sanquhan              285 
  Roches                115|Ruthfis               238|Santon                223 
  Rochester, City       368|Rutland               431|Sanxer                476 
  Rochester, See of     516|Rye                   619|Sapcott(e)        80, 210 
  Rochford, Earl of     *61|Ryed                  432|Sares                 312 
  Rock                   62|Ryon                  329|Sarren                162 
  Rodd                  586|Rythe                 144|Sassell               539 
  Rodey                  23|                         |Saunscheverell        611 
  Roe                  *486|                         |Saunsum               250 
  Roffey                136|Sackville            *599|Sauvoye               149 
  Roger, Abp            216|Saddlers' Company     511|Savage, Bp.           384 
  Rogers                185|S.Amant           bis 504|Sawbrid                45 
  Rogerway              595|S.Amand(t)       275, 504|Sawbridge             234 
  Rohan                *189|S.Andrew's, Burgh     512|Sawers                520 
  Roiosby               170|S.Barbe               104|Sawrey                381 
  Rokeby                490|S.Bartholomew's Hos-     |Sawsefeld             539 
  Rokele                402|  pital               139|Saxby                 444 
  Rokes                 490|S.Blaise              469|Saxony     *185, 332, 470 
  Romilly               371|S.Chad                175|Saxony, Dukedom      *185 
  Ronayne                64|S.Chamans             229|Say                    74 
  Rongrollis            342|S.Clair(ere)(are) 537,558|Sayer                 523 
  Rockeby               624|                      558|Scamler, Bp.          315 
  Roos(e)      bis 611, 626|S.Gall, Abbey          49|Scarell               210 
  Ropemakers' Cmpy.     330|S.Gilbert             175|Scheerle              403 
  Roper                 215|Sainthill             459|Scheffeld              37 
  Rorke                 173|S.Hugh, Bp.           616|Schoppin              612 
  Ros               bis 611|S.Ives, Town          341|Scipton                52 
  Roscarreck            328|Saint John      302, *507|Scoff                 496 
  Rose                  502|Sein Johan        bis 507|Scogan                543 
  Rosecreeg             501|S.Loe                 236|Scollay               508 
  Roselee               531|Sein Loy              236|Scolycorne            150 
  Rosindale             199|S.Malo, Ville de      612|Scopham          308, 521 
  Ross, See of          512|St.Mary-Church, Wil-     |Scopley               146 
  Ross                  546|  liam of, Bp.    74, 369|Scory, Bp.           *452 
  Rosselyn          bis *79|Saint-Maur            623|Scot                  545 
  Rostles               501|Saint-Omer             61|Scotland,Insignia of *522 
  Rostlings             332|Salisbury, Earl of   *380|Scots Corporation,        
  Rouch                 378|Salisbury, See of     604|  Seal                103 
  Rouget                300|Salley, Bp.           570|Scott            163, 294 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Scriveners' Company   453|Shrubsole             104|Sombré                538 
  Scrogie               585|Shugley               369|Somerie               398 
  Scubersdorf            57|Shurstabb             487|Somerset              553 
  Scudamore             554|Shurstable            256|Somerville            336 
  Scurfield              40|Shute Barrington      361|Sorny des Greslets    540 
  Scyrlow               157|Shuttleworth     226, 613|Gouthcote             132 
  Sea                   539|                 Bp. *613|Southland             296 
  Seafowle              523|Sibbald           bis 158|South Sea Company     364 
  Seale                 184|Sibells               409|                      546 
  Searchfield            22|Sicity, King of       268|Southwark, Borough    229 
  Seaton                236|Sicklemore            539|                     *518 
  Sedborough             13|Sigeston              214|Southwell             122 
  Sedgewicke             52|Silkmen Company        34|Spalding              565 
  Seeves                117|Silk-throwers Cmpy.  *541|Spanish Merchants'        
  Segrave    *56, 283, *376|Silvertop             257|  Company             536 
                 *394, *482|Silvester             524|Sparling              515 
  Segre                 375|Siminges              608|Sparman               283 
  Seigneuret            606|Simpson               143|Sparrow               544 
  Seinttle               37|Sinclair         535, 537|Spectacle Makers'         
  Sempringham, Priory      |Skene        bis 193, 562|  Company             546 
                   161, 460|Skevington, Bp.       286|Speed                 625 
  Senhouse     443, Bp. 128|Skewis                584|Speke                  16 
                       *443|Skinner, Bp.          295|Spelman               465 
  Seresby               578|Skinners' Company        |Spance            80, 405 
  Sergeaux              104|                 184, 187|Spancer   *236, 365, *523 
  Serjeants' Inn  555 , 617|Skipton           *10, 45|Spofford, Bp.         148 
  Sethington            540|Skipworth             594|Sponne 157, 196, 252, 336 
  Seton                 184|Skirlawe    *157, Bp. 157|Sponell               548 
  Sevenoke               88|                      621|Spottiswood           390 
  Sevens            46, 135|Slamberg               71|Spotworth             104 
  Sewell                 51|Slaters' Company      303|Spratt       328, Bp. 328 
  Sexton                623|Sleigh                 64|Spratton              327 
  Shadforth             335|Sloan                 183|Sprewell              480 
  Sharkerley  453, 496, 613|Smallbrook            565|Sprott                328 
  Shakspere            *545|Smallshaw             531|Spurriers' Company    303 
  Shambroke             219|Smalridge, Bp.         83|Squire, Bp.           564 
  Shandos               457|Smelt                 515|Stables               485 
  Shanke               *248|Smeton                465|Staffird    *73, 195, 350 
  Shapcott              210|Smijth                  9|                  Bp. 528 
  Sharp, Abp.           455|Smith 7, 13, 42, 256, 312|Stafford, Town        133 
  Shedan                339|       377, 392, 441, 448|Stainings             *46 
  Sheffield, Town   75, 276|                 566, 618|Stayley          bis *107 
  Shekel                128|Smitherman            216|Stalton               215 
  Sheldon               212|Smiths' Company       303|Stalworth             246 
  Shelletoe             343|Smithson             *426|Stamford              285 
  Shelley     542, tris 620|Smyrth      261, 448, 541|Stamp                 333 
  Shepherd              551|Snappe                474|Standard              *22 
  Sheriffe              439|Snelson               540|Standelfe             544 
  Sherley               272|Sneyd                *540|Standish, Bp.         203 
  Shields               336|Snitterton            543|Stanford         200, 282 
  Shiffner              427|Snokishull            199|Stanmarche            370 
  Shilecorne            344|Snow                   13|Stansam              *596 
  Shipwrights' Cmpy.    425|Snowden, Bp.         *374|Stapledon, Bp.        343 
  Shirington            291|Soame                 304|Staple Merchants'         
  Shone                 588|Soapmakers' Company.  220|  Company            *375 
  Shorley               272|Sodor & Man, See of   604|Staples               553 
  Shotter               455|Sole(s)          bis *593|Staples' Inn          630 
  Shrigley         tris 466|Soley             bis 593|Stapleton    468, bis 553 
  Shroder               142|Soltau                617|Starkey           88, 555 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Starr                  34|Style                *289|Tapps-Gervis          497 
  Stationers' Cmpy. 72, 425|Subston               487|Tarbutt               593 
  Stawell               156|Sudbery               205|Tarpley               472 
  Staylton              215|Sudbury, Abp.        *206|Tarsell               310 
  Stedman               542|                  Bp. 369|Tasborough       461, 480 
  Steer             bis 107|Sueting               603|Tateshale        bis *232 
  Steers                570|Sugar             92, 557|                      233 
  Stenkle               290|Sugdon                314|Tatnell               510 
  STEPHEN, King    *19, 520|Surridge              140|Tatton                  7 
  Sterling              286|Suttie                603|Tatyngton             167 
  Stessin               598|Sutton 102, 220, 289, 305|Tauke            178, 571 
  Stevenson   371, 480, 552|            Bp. *89, *484|Tauyers' Company      550 
  Steventon             465|Suwart                165|Tavestoke             112 
  Steward               104|Suylvertone           165|Taylard               568 
  Stewart               257|Swallman              189|Taylor       263, Bp. 314 
  Stewyne               292|Swallow               562|Teale                 451 
  Stibert                95|Swan              bis 563|Tempest               401 
  Still, Bp.            292|Swanland              563|Templar               568 
  Stirling              129|Swansey               596|Temple                568 
  Stock                 212|Swanston              564|Temple(Inner), Sc-        
  Stockden             *584|Swanton               500|  ciety of           *450 
  Stockenstorm          369|Sweeting              603|Temple(Middle), So-       
  Stork-Fishmongers'       |Sweetland             428|  ciety           36, 362 
    Company             385|Sweetman              203|Templer               568 
  Stockton         553, 584|Swelyton              316|Templeton             116 
  Stockwood        276, 550|Swetenham             544|Ternom                130 
  Stoford               292|Swettenham           *544|Terretz               580 
  Stokes  370, 550, bis 617|Swift                 620|Terrick, Bp.          365 
  Stokwith             *117|Swinnerton            172|Teshmaker             487 
  Stompe                 24|Sword                 565|Tetford               493 
  Stone                 555|Swyft                 428|Tetlow                 72 
  Stonehouse             66|Swynebourne            69|Thacker               327 
  Stonor           bis *194|Swyneford              69|Thackery              545 
  Storey      278, Bp. *556|Swynethwayte           69|Theme                 329 
  Stourton         273, 525|Swyney                 69|Themilton       *273, 506 
  Stowell               156|Sydall, Bp.          *549|Thomas                574 
  Straham              *197|Sydemers               80|Thomason              428 
  Strange          397, 560|Sydenham   57, *159, *488|Thony                 404 
  Stranham              436|Sydney               *455|Thorelys              194 
  Stratele or Stratley  220|Syer                  523|Thorneton             238 
  Stratford         bis 574|Sykes       273, 293, 496|Thornhagh         11, 171 
          Bp. 587, Abp. 587|Sylvester             309|Thornhill             197 
  Strathallan           198|Symmes           414, 437|Thornholme            309 
  Street                191|Symonds          191, 607|Thornthwaite          309 
  Strelle               438|Symonston             565|Thornton        309, *436 
  Strelton              240|                         |Throwgood             517 
  Strickson             572|                         |Thoyts                369 
  Strode               *527|                         |Throckmorton         *108 
  Strongitharm          224|Tadingtone            177|Thunder               591 
  Stroud                243|Tailors' Company      521|Thurland              178 
  Stuart     *195, 252, 588|Tait, Bp.             490|Thurlow               552 
  Stuckey               211|Talbot           493, 560|Thwenge               443 
  Studholme             549|Talebot               380|Tibetot               516 
  Studman               542|Tallow Chandlers'        |Tickell               569 
  Stukeley               80|  Company        210, 313|Tiderleigh           *142 
  Sturgeon              557|Talstock               99|Tilley                122 
  Sturgney              557|Tancarville           531|Tillie                159 
  Sturmyn               546|Tanke                 582|Timberley             376 
  Stutvils              483|Tanner               *312|Timporin              557 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Tin-plate workers'       |Treweek                51|Ulster, Province of   305 
    Company             363|Trewincan             627|Umbrell               515 
  Tinten                569|Trinity House, Guild  364|Umfrevile             333 
  Tippet                154|Trippet               363|Unwyn                 546 
  Titherlr              286|Trogone               529|Upholders' Company        
  Tiverton, Town        580|Trollop               197|             bis 569, 570 
  Tobacco-pipe Makers'     |Trompintone           591|Utterson              260 
    Company             576|Tross                 510|Uverey                609 
  Todd                  273|Trotter               332|                          
  Todenham               39|Troutbeck            *514|                          
  Tofte                 368|Trowbridge            *77|                          
  Tokett                155|Trowte                145|Vach                   82 
  Tolderrey              97|Trubshawe        155, 468|Vaghan                 97 
  Tolosa                162|Trumbull               82|Vale         97, 168, 362 
  Tomb                  576|Trumpenton            591|Valence   *393, 396, *431 
  Tomyris               572|Trumpington   65, 88, 591|Valens                431 
  Tonyn                 448|Trusbutt              611|Valeres              *151 
  Tooker                524|Trussell    165, 275, 276|Vale Royal, Abbey     148 
  Topclyff              576|Trye(e)           55, *84|Valliant              532 
  Topp              bis 576|Tryvett          bis *590|Valoines          bis 438 
  Torrance               70|Tubb                  300|Vance                  40 
  Torrens                88|Tucker           bis *524|Vancey                287 
  Totewhill             244|Tudman                501|Vane             bis *285 
  Tottenham             194|Tuenge                443|Vanhatton             427 
  Touk                   90|Tuffle                467|Van Mildert, Bp.      540 
  Toulson               421|Tunstall          Bp. 130|Vannes, Ville de      612 
  Tourney               108|Turberville   33, Bp. 377|Varlet                248 
  Towers   bis *579, Bp. 94|Turbine, Bp.         *173|Varneck               *80 
  Towgood               461|Turbutt              *593|Vassel(l)         99, 597 
  Townson, Bp.          518|Turkey Merchants      536|Vaughan     230, 259, 302 
  Tracy                 469|Turnbull              *82|       314, 616, Bp. *301 
  Trade and Plantations,   |Turner                205|Vault                 440 
    Commissers. of(Seal) 78|Turners' Company      619|Vaultier              608 
  Trainel               600|Turton, Bp.          *586|Vaus                  239 
  Tramaill              271|Turville              560|Vaux          58, 92, 431 
  Trap                   87|Tuystale              609|Vauneye               287 
  Trasaher              139|Twenge                443|Vavasour             *194 
  Trat                  489|Twistleton           *411|Vawdrey               171 
  Travers          282, 497|Twynkyn               259|Veal(e)           82, 596 
  Trecothik              80|Tybold, Bp.           369|Vecey                 172 
  Trefusis             *613|Tyes                 *106|Veck             339, 436 
  Tregarthick          *381|Tyldesley             418|Veer        *74, 149, 531 
  Tregean               388|Tyler, Bp.            422|Veitch                 82 
  Tregold                29|Tyll                  338|Venables              615 
  Tregosse              563|Tylsley               293|Venaissin, Comtat     162 
  Trelawney    365, Bp. 306|Tylson                410|Vence                 234 
  Tremayll         271, 367|Tynte                 375|Verdon     151, *276, 283 
  Tremayne              *16|Tyrwhitt             *365|Vere             150, 419 
  Tremenheere           462|Tyrwhitt-Jones   376, 607|Vernai                251 
  Tremere               539|Tyrwhitt              326|Vernon                117 
  Trenereek             108|Tytherley             265|Verthon                51 
  Trenowith            *111|Tythington            151|Vesey                 173 
  Trentham              295|Tyssen                392|Vicorez               251 
  Trersteyn             529|                         |Vidal                 467 
  Trevenour             625|                         |Videlou               628 
  Trevethin             136|Udney                 205|Viepound               11 
  Trevile               595|Udward                461|Vigne                   8 
  Trevoneck             277|Ufflet                267|Villages              588 
  Trewarthen             69|Ulster King of Arms   321|Vinicombe             609 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Vintners' Company     592|Wasterley            *174|Whithorse             110 
  Virginia College      127|Wastley                11|Whitting              124 
  Vivian           374, 549|Watelet               584|Whitingwen            239 
  Voguall               211|Waterford, See of     188|Whitlock              382 
  Von Strachwitz        236|Waterford, City       536|Whittington      124, 623 
  Vyell                 487|Waterhouse            616|Whyshaw               617 
  Vyner                 136|Watermen, Cmpy. of     70|Wiggon                339 
  Vyrney                261|Watevill              401|Wigketone             420 
                           |Watone                442|Wigley                438 
                           |Waston 612, Bp. 307, *418|Wignetone             420 
  Wace                  *45|Watt             245, 582|Wigston               234 
  Wade         94, 286, 315|Wattes                311|Wigtone               531 
  Wadge                 614|Wattys                282|Wikes            135, 594 
  Wadriepont            591|Wauley                155|Wilcocks              216 
  Wadsworth             267|Wauncy                287|Wilde                 234 
  Wagstaff             *487|Wautland              144|Wilkes                472 
  Waite                 546|Wax-Chandlers'           |Wilkins               620 
  Wake        *65, 252, 493|  Company             415|Wilkinson             620 
               504, bis 577|Way(e)      132, 300, 385|Willard               615 
  Wakefield, Bp.        481|Wayland               195|Willaume              501 
  Wakerly           bis 415|Wayte                  41|WILLIAM I.       *19, 375 
  Wakley                415|Weare                 615|WILLIAM II.           375 
  Walden                365|Weavers' Cmpy.    bis 612|Williams     *65, 98, 189 
  Wales, North, Insig-     |Wednisson             314|           216, *273, 513 
    nia of              608|Weele                *249|Williams of Thame     464 
  Wales, Sounth Insig-     |Welbeck, Abbey        383|                      615 
    nia of              608|Welday                558|Willington            599 
  Waleys           153, 280|Weldish               205|Willis                621 
  Walker      184, 245, 366|Welhop                595|Willisby          47, 551 
  Walkinshead           463|Welle                  56|Willoughby       398, 611 
  Waller                609|Weller                273|Wills                 184 
  Walley           272, 330|Welles           377, 436|Wilshere              230 
  Wallongford, Seal      17|Wells                *256|Wilson           407, 628 
  Wallis                567|Wells, See of        *485|Wilton                116 
  Wallop               *595|Wells, City      610, 616|Wiltram               215 
  Walois                157|Wellwood         426, 616|Wiltshire         95, 389 
  Walromd           53, *82|Wencelaugh            155|Wimble                 25 
  Walshall              577|Wengham, Bp.          315|Wimbush               500 
  Walshe                129|Wentworth             *84|Winchcombe, Abbey         
  Walsingham            105|West, Bp.            *501|                 241, 301 
  Walstone              197|West Lool, Seal       389|Winchester, Conte de      
  Walter, Abp.         *484|Westfaling, Bp.        87|            *401, bis 402 
  Walton, Bp.    *290, *516|Westley              *159|Wincgester            602 
  Wanley                178|Weston       107, Bp. 160|Winston(e)       579, 582 
  Wanty                 214|Wethered              474|Winterbottom         *291 
  Warburton, Bp.        135|Wexford, Mayors's        |Winthorp              110 
  Ward                  598|  Seal                124|Wintoun               210 
  Warden                449|Weye                  300|Winwood               159 
  Warin                 483|Whalley           bis 616|Wirgman               342 
  Warre                *248|Whalley, Abbey       *616|Wise                    7 
  Warren          *103, 483|Wharton               283|Wiseman               243 
  Warrewik              106|Wheeler   245,615,619,620|Wishart               447 
  Warringeham           122|Wheelwrights' Cmpy.   620|Wistowe               452 
  Wartemberg            199|Wheywell         313, 519|Witeneye              151 
  Warton, Bp.          *305|Whitby                529|Wokingdone            376 
  Warwick          252, 560|White        bis 244, 422|Wokingham, Seal         7 
  Warwick, Town Seal    389|                 Bp. *335|Wolfo                  70 
  Washborne             153|Whitfield            *137|Wollstonecraft        406 
  Wasseley             *174|Whitgift, Bp.         165|Wolrich     128, 212, 626 
                       PAGE                      PAGE                      PAGE 
  Wolsay                630|Wrenne           128, 632|Yardley               198 
  Wolsey                *66|Wright  27, 174, 379, 545|Yarmouth               33 
  Wolston           bis 461|Wroton           bis *459|Yarmouth, Town        526 
  Wolvesley            *206|Wyatt                 *42|Yate                  284 
  Wonnedele             177|Wych, De la, Bp.      190|Yates                 284 
  Wood   244, bis 389, *426|Wychard               465|Yeates                284 
    526, 556, 629, Bp. *434|Wychingham            171|Yeo         135, 211, 594 
  Woodhouse   161, 170, 551|Wycombe               130|Yeoman                292 
  Woodmerton      *268, 446|Wyer                   39|Yerle                 523 
  Woodmongers' Com-        |Wyke     41, 60, 290, 465|Yetts                 474 
    pany           246, 366|Wykeham, Bp.    110, *416|Yngoldthorp          *150 
  Woodville             *91|Wykersley             163|Young            13, *337 
  Woodward         293, 419|Wykes                 135|Yvain                 340 
  Woodball              441|Wylebi                250|                          
  Wooler                192|Wyllers               239|                          
  Wool-packers' Cmpy.  *630|Wylley                615|                          
  Wolston           45, 594|Wymeswold             336|Zachert                10 
  Worceley              490|Wyndham               253|Zakesley    332, 488, 540 
  Worcester, City       449|Wynsingtone            69|Zbonski di Passebon   578 
  Worseley               59|Wyntworth            *161|Zefoul                 90 
  Worsell               433|Wythe                 295|Zertschen             330 
  Worsycke         289, 345|                         |Zingell                23 
  Wortham                87|                         |Zorke                *195 
  Worthington      183, 220|Xaintrailles         *154|Zornlin               300 
                    bis 272|                         |Zorvis               *615 
  Wren                  632|                         |Zouch             60, 504 
  Wrenbury              632|Yard              bis 633|Zuleistein            105