G: in tricking is the proper abbreviation for the word gules.
Gad: A plate of steel for hammering iron upon, borne by the London Company of IRONMONGERS, and represented as in the margin.
    Argent, on a chevron gules three swivels or(the middle one paleways, the other two with the line of the chevron) between three steel gads azure--IRONMONGERS' Company[Incorp. 1463, but arms granted 1435, and confirmed 1530.]
    Another form is borne by a Lincolnshire family, and has been blazoned sometimes as a demi-lozenge.
    Argent, a chevron between three steel-gads sable--BELLESBY, or BILLESBY, of Bylesby.
    As said before under delf, there is great laxity in the blazon of charges of this shape, and the same arms are variously described.
    Argent, three gads[or billets, or delves] sable--Richard GADDES.
    Ermine, on a chief gules two gads[or billets] engrailed or--WATTYS.
    Or, a fesse wavy between three gads[or delves] sable--STANFORD.
Gad fly.
Gad fly.
Gad-fly, more frequently blazoned Gad-bee, is the Brimsey, of Horse-fly.
    Sable, three gad-bees volant en arrière argent--BUNNINGHILL.
    Sable, three gad-bees volant argent--GARLINGTON, co. Hereford.
    Vert, three gad-bees argent--BODRIGAN.
    Argent, two bars and in chief three gad-flies sable--FLEMING, co. Lancaster.
    Per pale azure and gules, three gad-flies or--DORRE.
    Argent, a saltire between four gad-bees sable--TRAVERS.
Gai, (fr.): of a horse without harness careering.
Galley. See Lymphad.
Gallows: Man hanging on.
Galthrap, i.q. Caltrap.
Gambe, or Jambe: the leg of a beast. If couped or erased at the middle joint it is not a jambe but a paw, as in the example given under Seal, q.v.
    Or, a lion's jambe inverted and erased in bend gules--POWIS.
    Gules, three lion's jambes erased and inverted argent--NEWDIGATE, Surrey.
    Azure, a lion's gamb erased in fesse between two chains or; on a canton of the last a rose gules barbed and seeded proper--Brian DUPPA, Bp. of Chichester, 1638; of Salisbury, 1641; of Winchester, 1660-62.
    Argent, a lion's gamb erased in bend sinister, claw in base, sable; a canton gules--RIGAUD.
    Azure, two lion's gambs issuing out of the base of the escutcheon, and forming a chevron argent; between the gambs a fleur-de-lis or--CHIPPENDALE, Leicester.
    Azure, on a bend between six mullets or, a bear's gamb couped at the knee sable--BRETORON.
    Gules, on a bend argent three lion's paws erased azure--SPARMAN, Suffolk.
    Sable, a maunch argent within a bordure or, charged with eight pairs of lion's paws saltireways erased gules--Philip WHARTON.
    Monsire Thomas de VERDON, port sable, a une lyon dargent; en le paw de lyon une rouke de gules--Roll, temp. ED. III.
Gamecock. See Cock.
Gammadion. See Fylfot.
Gannapie. See Cormorant.
Gar-buckle. See Buckle.
Garbe, or Garb, (fr. gerbe): a wheat-sheaf. When a sheaf of any other grain is borne the name of the grain must be expressed; e.g. the barley-garbs in the Company of BREWERS(see Tun, and examples under Wheat).
    From early times they are found of various tinctures. When the stalks are of one tincture and the ears of another, the term eared must be used with reference to the latter.
    Azure, a garbe or[sometimes banded gules in added]--GROSVENOR, Cheshire.
    Le conte de CHESTER, d'azur a trois garbes d'or--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
    Gilbert de SEGRAVE, noir trois gerbes d'argent--Ibid.
    Sire Johan COMYN, d'argent crussile de goules a iij garbes de goulys--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Azure, a chevron between three garbes or--Sir Christopher HATTON[Chancellor, temp. Elizabeth].
Gardant, (fr. guardant): of beasts, &c., having the face turned towards the spectator. See under Lion.
Garde-visure: the visor of an helmet.
Gardener. See Man.
Garland: See Chaplet.
Garlick: this singular device is borne on one coat of arms, for the same of the name.
    Argent, three heads of garlick proper--GARLICK.
Garnished, (fr. garni): ornamented; as an esquire's helmet argent, garnished or; or of a sword when the hilt and pomel are of another tincture.
Garter: the garter, as represented around the escutcheon of a knight of that order, but usually without the motto. It occurs as a charge in the official insignia of the king of arms so named. An ordinary garter also occurs, as does the demi-garter, or lower half of the same, which is called 'the perclose of a demi-garter, buckled and nowed.'
    Azure, a boar's head couped, over which a knot within a garter all or--NEWTON.
    Per fesse gules and azure, a man's garter fessewise argent, fimbriated and buckled in the centre or, between in chief a rosary and in base three bells of the last--BEADNELL.
    Sable, a man's garter buckled in orle .... between three square buckled, tongues erect or--BOCKLAND.
    Argent, three demi-garters azure, buckled and garnished or--Peter NARBORNE, Granted by King Henry VII.
    Garter, or Gartier, is occasionally applied to the bendlet.
    Vairy, a garter[i.e. bendlet] gules--HEBMINES, France.
    Garter, King of Arms. See Heralds.
    Garter, Order of the. See Knighthood.
Garvin. See Herring.
Gastelles, (fr. gâteaux). See Tourteaux.
Gate, (old pronunciation, yate): a charge rarely borne, and then generally for the sake of the name.
    Argent, a fesse between three gates sable--YATES, Lyford, Berks.
    Per pale crenelly argent and sable, three fieldgates counterchanged--YATE, Buckland, Berks.
    Per fesse crenelly sable and argent, three fivebarred gates counter-changed--YEATES, Bristol.
    Gules, a gate between three goats passant or--PORTNOWE.
Gateway: distinguished from the field-gate is the gateway, which sometimes occurs, called also port or portal. See Castle.
    Sable, a gateway between two towers argent, standing on the upper part of a base, barry of four as the second and azure--Richard RAWSON[Alderman of London, 1746].
    Azure, a double-leaved gate, triple towered on an ascent of five degrees[steps] flanked by two towers, all argent; the towers arch-roofed and masoned sable--SANQUHAN, Scotland.
Gauntlet: a glove of mail. The ancient form is shewn in the margin, but it is more often represented shewing the fingers. In blazon it is necessary to distinguish between the dexter and sinister; that given in the margin being a sinister gauntlet. Gauntlets sometimes occur with separate fingers, and thus they may perhaps be represented as in the arms of VANE. An arm vambraced is not in general understood to have a gauntlet unless it be specially mentioned.
    Azure, three dexter gauntlets or--VANE, Rasell, Kent.
    Azure, three sinister gauntlets or--VANE, Lord Bernard.
    Argent, two bars azure, on a canton gules a gauntlet grasping a broken sword proper, hilt and pomel gold--STAMFORD, Derby.
    Azure, a lion passant argent goutté d'or between three dexter gauntlets of the second--CONWAY, Callis.
    Gules, three dexter gauntlets pendent azure; a canton chequy or and azure--DENVERS, Norfolk.
    Sable, three pairs of gauntlets clipping argent--PUREFOY, Lancaster.
Gaze, Stag at. See under Deer.
Geai, (fr.): a joy. See Magpie.
Ged, (a fish). See Lucy.
Gem-ring. See Ring.
Gemel, written also gymile and gimyle=double, e.g. a bar, (q.v.). A collar gemel=two narrow collars.
Gemeus, (written also gymiles)=bars gemel.
Gemmed: used of a ring.
Genet. (1) See Fox; (2) See Plantagenista under Broom.
Genuant: kneeling.
George, The: a badge representing the figure of S.George on horseback, attached to the collar of the Order of the Garter. See Knights.
George, Cross of S. See Cross, §1.
Gerattie: ancient word for semé.
Gerbe, (fr.): garbe.
Geronny. See Gyronny.
Gilly-flower, Gillofer, or July-flower, (fr. Girofre): this flower, resembling a pink or carnation in form, and of a bright crimson colour, occurs more frequently than might have been expected. The gilly-flowers so blazoned in the insignia of OUR LADY'S INN, London, were no boubt originally lilies. See Lilypot.
    Argent, three gilly-flowers slipped proper--JORNEY.
    Or, on a chevron azure, between three gilly-flowers gules, slipped vert, a maiden's head of the first ducally crowned of the third; on a chief sable a hawk's lure double-stringed or, between two falcons argent, beaked and legged of the last--JEWEL, Bp. of Salisbury, 1560-71.
    Argent, on a bend argent three gilly-flowers proper--WADE, co. York.
    Argent, a chevron gules between three gilli-flowers azure--BOTHELL.
    Argent, a chevron sable between three gilli-flowers proper[elsewhere pinks]--Thos. PACE, alias SKEVINGTON, Bp. of Bangor, 1510-33.
    Borne also by the families of SPURLING, DE LISLE, LISTON, LIVINGSTON and SEMPLE.
Gimbal rings, or Gimmal rings, may be double, triple, or of a greater number. A triple gimbal ring consists of three annulets interlaced in triangle.
Gimlet. See Awl, also Winepiercer.
Girfauk, i.e. Ger-falcon. See Falcon.
Giron. See Gyron.
Gironné, (fr.): gyronny.
Givre. See Adder.
Gland, (fr.): acorn.
Figures of the Glazier's nippers, or Grosing-iron.
Figures of the Glazier's nippers, or Grosing-iron.
Glaziers' Nippers: called also grazier, grater, and grosing-iron: a tool used by glaziers, and borne by their company. It occurs also in other arms, and is figured as in the margin.
    Argent, two grosing-irons in saltire sable, between four closing-nails of the last; on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or--GLAZIERS' Company[incorporated 1637].
    Argent, two grazier's[elsewhere glazier's nippers, grosing-irons, and also spokeshaves], in saltire sable between four pears gules, in a bordure engrailed of the second--KELLOWAY, co. Wilts.
    Gules, two glazier's nippers in saltire between four lions rampant argent--STERLING.
    Ermine, three glazier's cripping-irons in saltire gules--TITHERLY.
Gletver leaf. See Leaves.
Gliding: used sometimes of Serpents.
Globe. See Sphere.
Glory. See Nimbus and Sun.
Glove: the glove occurs in early arms, and is supposed to be meant for the Falconer's or Hawking-glove, as in many later arms it is referred to as such.
    Sire William de WAUNCY, de goules a vi gaunz de argent--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Argent, a bend wavy sable, an arms issuing from the sinister of the last, on a glove of the first a hawk or--HAWKERIDGE, co. Devon.
    Sable, three gloves in pale argent--VANCEY, Northants.
    Sable, three falconer's sinister gloves pendent argent tasselled or--BARTLETT, Sussex.
    Sable, three dexter hawking-gloves(fingers downwards ?) tassels pendent, argent--VAUNEYE.
Goat, (old fr. chever, fr. chêvre), is not infrequent as a charge. It may be statant, passant, clymant(which is sometimes used instead of salient, or rampant), and where there are two, frequently combatant. It may be described as bearded, crined, unguled, attired(as to its horns), and even armed is sometimes so used. French heralds also use the word bouc.
    Gules, a goat statant argent, armed and crined or, between three saltires of the last[elsewhere attired or]--BAKER.
    Azure, on a mount in base vert, a goat statant argent, armed, hoofed, and bearded or--Burgh of HADDINGTON, Scotland.
    Sable, a goat passant argent, attired, bearded, and unguled or--CARNSEW.
    Gules, a goat climant argent, attired or--BARWELL.
    Gules, a goat salient argent, armed or--BENSTED.
    Argent, a goat rampant sable, the head and part of the neck of the first armed vert--DE BUCKTON.
    Azure, two goats salient, combatant argent--KIDD.
    Sable, two goats statant affrontant or--Quartering in the insignia of the LEATHERSELLERS' Company, granted 1505.
    Argent, a fesse gules between three goats passant sable, bearded, unguled, and armed or--HANDLEY, Newark.
    Gules, a fesse between eleven goats argent, four, four, two and one--DREELAND, Kent.
    Goats' heads are also frequently found employed as charges.
    Sire Richard de CATESBURI, de goules a une fesse verree de or e de azure a iij testes de chevers de argent--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Ermine, a goat's head erased gules attired or--GOTLEY.
    Gules, a goat's head couped or--BALLENDEN.
    Azure, a chevron or between three goat's heads erased argent, attired of the second--CORDWAINERS' Company[incorporated 1410].
    Quarterly gules and ermine; in first quarter a goat's head erased armed or--John MORTON, Bp. of Ely, 1486-1500(MS. Lambeth, 555). [Similar arms are ascribed to MORTON, Bp. of Chester, 1616; and of Ely, 1619.]
    The Assyrian or Indian Goat is nearly like the common goat, but has horns more curved, and ears like a talbot's. Two such goats argent, attired, and unguled or, support the escutcheon of the HABERDASHERS of London.
    There are two monstrosities derived from the goat found in heraldic bearings, viz. the lion-goat and the deer-goat. Only the heads, however, appear.
    Or, three lion-goat's heads proper--BLOORE.
    Vert, a deer-goat's head argent--ABELADAME.
Gobony, goboné, gobonated, and compony(fr. componé): said of an ordinary composed of small squares of two tinctures alternately in one row. If there be two rows it is called counter compony(or compony counter compony), but if more, it comes under the term checquy. A bordure compony should consist of sixteen pieces or gobbits gyronwise.
    The name gobony is a corruption of some word(possibly even of compony), but Gibbon fancifully suggests it is "a word used is carving, as to Gobon a lamprey, or the like, into seven or eight pieces." It is certainly an ancient term, and found, as will be seen, in early rolls of arms.
    MI MIR MILEBATID de Trie dor a une bende gobone dargent et dazure--Roll, temp. HEN. III. (Harl. MS. 6589.)
    Sire Henri de LEYBURNE, de azure a vi lioncels de argent a un label goboune de or e de goules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Sire Nicholas de GREY, les armes de Grey a un baston goboune de or e de goules--Ibid.
    Sire Henri de BEUMOND, de azure flurette de or a un lion rampaund de or e un baston goboune de argent e de goules--Ibid.
    Monsire de BEAUMONT, port d'asure a un lyon rampant d'or floret d'or: une baston goboune d'or et de gules de six peeces--Roll, temp. ED. III.
    Monsire John de SUTTON, port les armes de Percy[i.e. or, une lyon rampant d'asure] a une baston gobonnie d'argent et de gules--Ibid.
    Or, a bend compony, sable and ermine[elsewhere compony ermines and ermine]--STYLE.
    Argent, a fesse counter compony, or and gules--HILLARY, Norfolk.
    Argent, a fesse gobonated argent and gules between three owls of the second--HARWORTH, Norfolk.
    Ermine, four bars gemel, compony or and sable--HORWOOD.
    Argent, on a bend sable three bars[otherwise three gobbons] of the first, each charged with a saltorel gules--WORSYCKE.
    Gules, a saltire argent; a label gobony argent and azure--NEVILLE, Earl of Salisbury, c. 1450.
    Gules, a saltire argent, and a label compony of the second and azure--NEVILLE, Bp. of Exeter, 1456; afterwards Abp. of York, 1465-76.
    Quarterly, France and England within a bordure gobony argent and azure--S.JOHN'S COLLEGE, Cambridge[Founded 1508].
Gold. See Or.
Golden fleece. See Toison.
Goldfinch. See Finch.
Golpe: an heraldic term used for the roundle, when it is of the tincture of purpure. It is supposed to be derived from golpa, an old Spanish word for a wound. It is scarcely over used.
    Or, a chevron gules between three golpes--GLENHAM.
Gonfanon. See Flag.
Goose, (fr. oie, lat. anser): a geese are rarely represented in coats of arms, and beyond the Barnacle goose already noticed, it is not easy to identify any species meant by the terms used.
The Gray-lag, or Wild-goose, is considered the progenitor of our farm-yard goose. The Magellan is possibly Mergellan, i.e. the Mergellus, and if so, allied to the Smew rather than the goose proper. The gander(fr. jars) occurs in French arms.
    Three geese passant close--WALTON, Bp. of Chester, 1660-61.
    Quarterly, indented gules and vert, a goose rising argent--LOVENHAM.
    Gules, a wild-goose close, argent, a crescent for difference--LANGFORD, Alington.
    Or, on a mount vert, a Magellan-goose sable, head argent--ASHFIELD.
    De sable, à trois jars d'argent becqués et membrés de gueules--LESQUIN, Bretagne.
Gordian knot. See Cords.
The Gore.
The Gore.
Gore: a portion of the shield obliterated, so to speak, as represented in the margin; it may be either on the dexter or sinister side. If the former, it is supposed to be an honourable charge, but if the latter, and when tenné, it is an abatement for cowardice in battle; but though writers descant upon their use, they give no examples, probably because there are none. Guillim calls it "one of the whymsical abatements." See also Gusset.
Gorge, (fr.): the neck. Leigh,
Gorgé, (fr.): is used when the however, uses this term for a neck is of a different tincture, e.g. of a Peacock(not to be conwater-bouget. fused with gorged).
Gorged. See Collar.
Gorget. See Helmet.
Goshawk. See Falcon.
Gothic work. See Church.
Goules. See Gules.
Gourd: in only coat of arms does this fruit occur.
    Argent, three gourds or, stalks upwards--STENKLE.
Gournet, i.q. Gurnet.
Gousset, (fr.): Gusset.
Gouttes, (fr. larmes), drops: i.e. a figure of an elongated pear-shape, with the sides wavy. They are seldom, if ever, used singly, and generally the number is enumerated.
    Per chevron argent and sable, three gouttes counterchanged--CROSBY.
    Argent, a fesse dancetty or between three gouttys of the last--INGLEDEN.
    Azure, on a saltire argent five gouttys gules--GOOSELIN(also GOVER).
    Gules, a fesse between six gouttys or--WYKE.
    Barry of six, sable and ermine, nine gouttes argent, three, three, and three--BRADWARDINE.
    Argent, fifteen gouttes gules[de sang], five, four, three, two, one--LEMMING, Essex.
    Argent, a saltire gules between twelve gouttes sable--KERCEY.
    In the case of a lion with a goutte de sang, the blazon of vulned seems to be more properly used. At the same time there are many cases of lions represented with gouttes d'or, &c.
    Monsire HAMLYN, port gules une lyon d'or goute sable--Roll, temp. ED. III.
    Argent, on a lion rampant sable a goutte d'or streaming at the shoulder--LUDLOW.
    Azure, on a lion rampant argent gouttes de sang--BERESFORD.
    Azure, on a lion rampant argent gouttes purpure--FOSTER, Essex.
    The more frequent form is gutté, or gutty, goutty, gouté(that is, semé of an indefinite number of drops. They may be of various tinctures, and in English heraldry a distinct term is used for each, though this was probably of late introduction.
  When argent, gutté d'eau: representing drops of water.                        
  When or, gutté d'or or auré: representing drops of gold.                      
  When azure, gutté de larmes: representing tears.                              
  When sable, gutté de poix: representing drops of pitch.                       
  When gules, gutté de sang: representing drops of blood.                       
  When vert, gutté d'huile, or d'olive: representing drops of oil.              
    Azure, gutté d'eau--WINTERBOTTOM[Lord Mayor of London, 1752].
    Argent, a lion rampant sable gouttée d'eau--MORTIMER, Vamouth, Scotland.
    Barry of six ermine and sable, gutty d'eau--Thomas BRADWARDINE, Abp. of Canterbury, 1349. [But this is blazoned in the Lambeth MS. as barry of six ermine and ermines.]
    Monsire John HALOU[HANLOW], port d'argent une lyon rampant d'azure goutte d'or--Roll, temp. ED. III.
    Argent, on a talbot passant sable gouttes d'or--SHIRINGTON.
    Sable, goutty de larmes, a lion rampant argent--CHANTRY.
    Argent, goutty de poix and a lion rampant sable--Jake de la PLANCE, Roll, temp. ED. I. [Harl. MS. 6137].
    Argent, goutty de poix, a chief nebuly gules--ROYDENHALL.
    Gules, a bend or guttée de poix, between two mullets argent pierced of the field--See and City of BANGOR.
    Sable, guttée d'eau three roses--John STILL, Bp. of Bath and Wells, 1593-1608.
    Argent, gutty de sang, two darts points upwards gules feathered of the first piercing a heart of the second--YEOMAN.
    In modern French blazon the term larmes is used for gouttes, and somé de larmes for gouttée. The tincture is always given, though larmes d'argent seems to be the most frequent.
    D'argent, semé de larmes de sable--POILLOT, Ile de France.
    When the goutte is reversed the term icicle is used by heraldic writers, that is, the charge is of the same shape, but the thicker portion is upwards, and the point downwards. Some heralds, however, call these figures Clubs, others Gouttes reversed, and others Locks of hair. The bearing seems to be confined to branches of one family.
    Azure, three icicles bendwise in bend sinister or--HARBOTTLE, Brecon.
    Azure, three locks of hair in bend or--HARBOTTLE.
Gradient: walking, e.g. of the tortoise.
Grady. See Cross, §15, Degraded and Embattled.
Graft. See Gusset.
Grain-tree: a tree, the berries of which are used in the process of dying.
    Upon a wreath argent and sable, three sprigs of grain-tree erect vert, fructed gules--Crest of the DYERS' Company.
Graminy: used of a Chaplet made of grass.
Granada, Apple of. See Pomegranate.
Grapes. See Vine.
Grappe de raisin, (fr.): a bunch of grapes.
Grapples. See Cramp.
Grappling Iron.
Grappling Iron.
Grappling-iron, or Grapnel, (fr. grappin): an instrument used in naval or army engagements, and is distinct from the anchor. As the number of flukes varies it should be noticed. Some grappling-irons have double rings.
    Argent, two grappling-irons in saltire sable, between four pears gules--STOFORD, Devon.
    Azure, a chevron or between three grappling-irons, each of as many points and double-ringed argent--STEWYNE[Harl. MS. 1386]
Grass is always represented in tufts; also the old botanical terms of spires and piles applied to grass are employed in one example of blazon.
    Azure, three pillars argent; out of each a tuft of grass or--BOSCOE.
    Argent, three tufts of grass vert--TYLSLEY, co, York.
    Gules, three tufts of grass or--SYKES.
    Argent, a fleur-de-lis, on the top three grass spires, each containing seven piles gules--BERNHEIM.
    The term graminy is also found, which signifies made of grass, and is applied to the chaplet, under which an example is given.
Grasshopper, (fr. sauterelle): is only occasionally found on coats of arms:--
    Gules, on a bend engrailed argent a grasshopper sable--LOUIS, Colyton House, Devon.
    Argent, three ravens sable between two bars dancetty gules; in chief a griffin segreant between two grasshoppers of the second--GRIFFITHS.
    Argent, a chevron sable three grasshoppers proper[vert]--WOODWARD Kent.
    D'azur, à une sauterelle d'argent, accompagnée de trois coquilles d'or--MOULINS, Normandy.
Grater. See Glazier's nippers.
Gray. See Badger.
Grazier. See Glazier's nippers.
Greaves: armour-plates for the leg; seldom used as it is implied by the term 'a leg in armour.'
Grelier, (fr.): a kind of hunting-horn.
Grelot, (fr.): the round bell on collars of dogs, mules, &c., and sometimes used for the grillet on the feet of falcons, q.v.
Grenade, or Grenados. See Fire-ball. Also grenade in fr. is used for pomegranate.
Grey. See Colour.
Greyhound. See Dog.
Grice. See Boar.
Company of GIRDLERS.
Company of GIRDLERS.
Gridiron: this device is represented as in the margin, but is rarely borne. In the first of the three instances named below it has been chosen for the device of the Company of GIRDLERS(in whose arms the gridiron is figured somewhat differently from the ordinary shape). The reason of the Company bearing this device was no doubt that S.Laurence was their patron saint. Sir Thomas SCOTT may have been a member of the Company.
    Per fesse azure and or, a pale counterchanged; three gridirons of the last, the handles in chief--GIRDLERS' Company[arms granted, 1454].
    Argent, a chevron between three gridirons erect handles downwards sable--LAURENCE.
    Argent, a chevron between three gridirons dexter bendwise, handles upward sable--Sir Thomas SCOTT[Lord Mayor of London, 1458].
Grieces, or Greces, e.g. Degrees, or steps, See Cross, §15.
Griffin, or Gryphon, (fr. griffon): the Griffin is the most frequently represented of the imaginary animals introduced into coats of arms. Although variously drawn, the great principle is that it is a compound of the Lion and the Eagle. The lower part of its body, with the tail and the hind-legs, belong to the lion; the head and the fore-part, with the legs and talons, to those of the eagle, but the head retains the ears of the lion. It has large wings, which also closely resemble those of the eagle. Its ordinary positions are rampant segreant(generally blazoned segreant only), and passant segreant.
    It may be represented as without wings, and then with rays or spikes of gold proceeding from several parts of its body. Sometimes it has two long straight horns. The term Alce is given, as if used by writers for a kind of griffin, but no example can be quoted.
    Azure, a griffin segreant or--READ, Herts.
    Gules, a griffin segreant, or--RIVERS, Earl of Devon.
    The representation on the shield of READ is, according to the mode of drawing the griffin, sometimes seen, but the example taken from the supporters to the arms of Alexander ANNAND of Elton is the more usual way of drawing the animal.
    Griffins' heads are also represented in some coats. They are readily distinguishable from the eagles' heads by the presence of the ears.
    Argent, a griffin segreant gules, beaked and legged or--CATERALL and GRIMSHAW, Lancashire.
    Sire Geffrey fitz WYTHE, de azure a iij grifons de or--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Sire Robert de BRENTE, de goules a un griffoun de argent--Ibid.
    Sire Rauf de CORT' de goules a un griffoun de or--Ibid.
    Monsire John GRIFFEN, sable a une griffin argent beke et peds or--Roll, temp. ED. III.
    Argent, a griffin segreant, coward sable--GODFREY.
    Azure, a griffin segreant volant or, supporting an oak-branch vert, acorned of the second--REDE.
    Vert, a griffin segreant or, beaked, legged, and ducally gorged argent--COLLINS, Kent.
    Or, a gryphon segreant sable, in chief two mullets of six points gules, pierced of the field--Nelson Smith MORGAN, Sussex.
    Or, a griffin segreant sans wings sable, fire issuing from the mouth and ears proper; on a chief argent, three quatrefoils vert--SAMLER.
    Per chevron or and ermine, in chief two griffin's heads erased proper--NEED, Nottingham.
    Argent, three griffin's heads erased sable, beaked gules--TRENTHAM, Stafford.
    Sable, a chevron or between three griffin's heads erased argent--Robert SKINNER, Bp. of Bristol, 1637; afterwards of Oxford, 1641-63.
    The Dragon(fr. dragon), the next in importance to the griffin amongst the fictitious animals, seems perhaps to have had its origin in the stories brought by travellers who, on their way to the Holy Land, may have seen the crocodiles on the banks of the Nile, and exaggerated or idealized the form; and probably the word, in some of the instances in which it is used in the Bible, means the crocodile.
    Represented usually like the griffin, that is, rampant, its head is that of a serpent, of which an essential addition in the forked tongue. It has also, like the griffin, ears. The body, as to its proportions, is that of a lion, but it is represented scaled, and the large wings, instead of being those of an eagle, are webbed and pointed, and resemble rather those of the bat. The legs are also scaled, and the feet are represented usually with webbed talons, instead of those of the eagle; a spur, however, is often added. The tail, instead of ending like that of a lion, is a tuft, is always represented as barbed in English arms, but in French arms it is sometimes represented as with a fish-tail, and twisted. The dragon may be also represented 'sans' wings.
    Dragon's heads frequently occur as charges: the presence of the ears and of the barbed tongue distinguishes them from the heads of eagles or serpents.
    Argent, a dragon rampant sable--DAUNEY.
    Argent, a dragon volant in bend sable--RAYNON, Kent.
    Or, a dragon segreant vert, on a chief gules three spear-heads argent--SOUTHLAND, Kent.
    Vert, a dragon sejant with wings expanded between three escallops or--CARMALT, Cumberland.
    Or, a chevron between three dragons sable--FOLBORNE.
    Argent, a chevron gules between three demi-dragons couped, erect, vert--HEYGEYS.
    Argent, three dragon's heads erect and erased azure without ears--HORSKE.
    Argent, three dragon's heads erased, fire issuing from their mouths proper--HOLSALL,
    The Dragon, like the Griffin, if often used as a crest, or as one of the supporters. The illustration here given is from one of the supporters to the arms of William HUGHES, of Gwerclas.
    A sea-Dragon appears on the crest of Sir Jacob Gerrard, Bart. 1662.
    The Opinicus is allied more nearly to the dragon in the forepart and in the wings; but it has a beaked head and ears, something between the dragon and the griffin. The hind part and the four legs are probably intended to represent those of a lion, but the tail is short, and is said to be that of the camel.
    Two opinici vert, beaked sable, wings gules, are Supporters to the Insignia of the PLASTERERS' Company.
    An opinicus, with wings endorsed or, is the Crest of the Company of BARBER SURGEONS.
    Lion-Dragon: the foremost part of a lion conjoined to the hinder part of a dragon.
    Rouge Dragon: a favourite badge of King Henry VII. and assumed as the dexter supporter of his arms. It was also the title of a pursuivant established by that monarch. See Herald.
    See also Sea-Dragon.
Griggs. See Eels.
Grilleté, (fr.): of a falcon, &c., having bells on its feet.
Grimpant: a French term rarely applied to animals, to signify the attitude of climbing, and so somewhat differing from rampant.
Gringolé, (fr.). See Cross, §21, but with French heralds saltires fers de moulin, &c., are sometimes so named when terminated with serpents' heads.
Griotte, (fr.): a Cherry-tree.
Grittie: a fanciful name for a field composed of colour metal in equal proportions, should such exist.
Grose, or Drawing board: a tool used by COOPERS. It forms part of the insignia of their companies in London, Chester, and Exeter.
    Gyronny of eight gules and sable; on a chevron between three annulets or, a grose between two adzes azure; on a chief vert three lilies slipped and leaved argent--COOPERS' Company, Incorporated 1501.
Grosing iron. See Glazier's nippers.
Grouse. See Moorcock.
Grove. See Wood.
Grue, (fr.): crane.
Gryphon. See Griffin.
Guardant. See Gardant.
Gudgeon, (fr. goujon, lat. gobio): belonging to the order of the cyprinidœ, occurs in some rare instances on account of the name.
    Quarterly, first and fourth or; third and fourth barry argent and gules, all within a bordure sable, charged with eight gudgeons fesswise argent--GOBYON[from Glover's ordinary].
    Argent, three gudgeons hauriant within a bordure engrailed sable--GOBION, Waresby, Hunts[also GOBYON, or GOBYNS].
    Argent, three gudgeons within a bordure sable--French family of GOBAUD.
    Azure, two gudgeons in saltire argent, in base water waved proper--French family of GOUJON.
Gui, (fr.): mistletoe, only found in French coats of arms.
Guidon. See Flag.
Guivre, (fr.): a viper, or serpent.
Gules, (fr. gueules): the heraldic name of the tincture red. The term is probably derived from the Arabic gule, a red rose, just as the azure was derived from a word in the same language, signifying a blue stone. The word was, not doubt, introduced by the Crusaders. Heralds have, however, guessed it to be derived from the Latin gula, which in old French is found as gueule, i.e. the "red throat of an animal." Others, again, have tried to find the origin in the Hebrew word gulade, which signifies red cloth. Gules is denoted in engravings by numerous perpendicular lines. Heralds was blazoned by planets and jewels called it Mars, and Ruby.
    The name variously spelt goules, goulez, goulz, gowlys, occurs frequently in ancient rolls of arms, as will have been observed by the examples given throughout the Glossary.
    In the Siege of Carlaverock, as has been noticed under Colour, the terms both rouge and vermeile are poetically used, and to these may be added rougette.
    "Mes Eumenions de la BRETTE             La baner ot tout rougette."         
                                              Siege of Carlaverock.             
Gull. See Sea-gull.
Gumène: cable of an anchor.
Gun-stone, or Gun-shot. See Pellet.
Guns: the cannon should be represented mounted, unless otherwise expressed. The field-pieces, chamber-pieces(or chambers), as they are sometimes called, are varieties, but no special variation in drawing seems to be recognized, except that they are represented, as a rule, unmounted. The culverin is a cannon with a wide bore in proportion to its length. The smaller guns will be found referred to under Musket.
    Argent, two guns in saltire proper, in chief the letter G, and in base the letter V, each crowned with a regal crown; on the dexter side in fesse a barrel, and on the sinister three balls all of the second--GUNSMITHS' Company[but doubtful if these arms are of any authority].
    Gules, three cannons barways in pale, argent--GOUNING, Mayor of Bristol[granted 1662].
    Azure, three field-pieces in pale or, on a chief argent as many pellets[or cannon-balls]--BOARD of ORDNANCE.
    Argent, a chevron ermine fimbriated sable, between three chamber-pieces of the last fired proper--DE LA CHAMBRE, Radmill, Sussex.
    Argent, a chevron sable surmounted of another ermine; three chambers, placed transverse of the escutcheon of the second fired proper--CHAMBERS, co. Worcester.
    Argent, a culverin dismounted in fesse sable--LEIGH.
    Argent, three bars wavy sable, each charged with as many plates; on a chief gules a culverin between two anchors or--GONSTON, Essex.
Gurges, or Whirlpool: as the gurges(like the fountain) represents water, argent and azure are its proper tinctures. Instances, however, occur in which other tinctures are employed.
    In an ancient roll of arms the whirlpool is represented not as a continued line, but as a number of rings one within another, and it is probable that, by the term roelé in the arms of GORGES in the early roll, the same charge is meant, though the term rouel is found in other rolls with a different signification.
    Rauf de GORGES, roele dargent et dazur--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
    Argent, a gurges azure--GORGES, Wilts[Baronet, 1612].
    Or, a cross engrailed gules, a whirlpool intertwined vert--Robert GYFFARD.
Gusset, (fr. gousset, the armpit): this truncation of the shield, like the gore, occurs usually on either the dexter or sinister side. In the former case(when sanguine) it is imagined to be an abatement for adultery, in the latter for drunkenness. Gussets, however, occur as honourable charges. When in base, the term graft seems preferable.
    Sable[another gules], two gussets argent--CONINGHAM.
    Or, over a gusset invected purpure two barbels countersalient--ZORNLIN, Clapham.
    Gules, a lion rampant or, between two flaunches and a gusset in base ermine--CELY, Havering, Essex.
    Gules, a lion rampant or, between two flaunches ermine, and a graft in point of the last--CEELY[Glover's Ordinary].
Gurnet, gournet, or gurnard(lat. trigla): this fish, found on our coats, occurs in the crest of one Norfolk family and in the arms of one Cornish family; in the latter case on account of the local name by which it is known, namely, tubbe fish. With it may be associated the mullet, which is sometimes found blazoned in the arms of WAYE, and the French rouget, which appears to include both kinds of fish.
    Or a chapeau gules turned down ermine, a gurnet fish in pale with the head downwards--Crest of GURNEY, Norfolk.
    Argent, a chevron sable between three gournets[or tubbe fish] hauriant gules--TUBB, Trengoff, Cornwall, granted 1571.
    Argent, a cross engrailed gules, between four mullets of the second[probably the fish]--GORNEY.
    Azure, three mullets hauriant argent[elsewhere three fish, and in one case three lucies]--WAYE, or WEYE, Dorset.
    D'or à trois rougets de gueules en pals bien ordonnés--ROUGET, Guyenne.
Guttée, gutty. See Gouttes.
Guze, (Turkish, Guz, an eye): represented by a roundlet sanguine.
Gymile=gemel. See especially under bar.
Gypsy's, or Egyptian's head. See Heads.
Gyronny, (fr. gironné), (from the Spanish Gyron, a triangular piece of cloth sewed into a garment). The usual number of pieces is eight, but there may be six, ten, or twelve. Party per saltire has been erroneously called gyronny of four, but in English armoury one of the lines forming the pattern must be in fesse. It will be observed that the term is an ancient one. The gyron with which the tinctures begin is the uppermost upon the dexter side.
    Warin de BASSINGBORNE, gerony d'or et d'azur--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
    Roger de MORTIMER, barre, a cheif palee, a corners gerone d'or et d'azur, a ung escocheon d'argent--Ibid. [See under Esquire].
    Sire Omfrey de BASSINGBOURNE, geronne de argent e de goules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
    Monsire Humphrie de BASINGBORNE, port gerone de vi peces argent et gules--Roll, temp. ED. III.
    Monsire BRINZON, port gerone d'argent et d'azur de xij peeces--Ibid.
    Gyronny of eight, argent and gules--ACTON.
    Gyronny of eight engrailed, or and sable(points of engrailing towards the dexter)--CAMPBELL.
    Gyronny of eight(quarterly, Cole's MS.) argent and sable, four fleur-de-lys counterchanged; on a saltier or, five cinquefoils gules--Edward VAUGHAN, Bp. of S.Davids, 1509-22.
    Gyronny of ten, or and azure--BRYASNON.
    Gyronny of twelve, vair, or, and gules--BASSINGBORNE.
    The term gyron rarely occurs in blazoning English heraldry, but there are instances. In the arms of MORTIMER the esquire is practically a gyron.
    Argent, three cinquefoils gules, and a gyron issuing from the dexter side in chief azure--CHIVERS.
    Azure, three bars argent, on a chief of the second a pale between two gyrons[elsewhere piles] of the first; over all an escutcheon gules charged with a cross croslet fitchy as the bars--Benedictine Abbey of WINCHCOMBE, Gloucester.
    Or, three bars azure, in chief a pile between a gyronny of two pieces[or two gyrons] of the second; over all an escutcheon ermine--MORTYMER.